clip When a character collides with something, it's called clipping.clucker A type of game that prominently features A game that features two or more players working together to achieve a goal.Code of Conduct menu option An option on the Game Menu that takes you to the ...
Something big is on the way to Fortnite… something titanic, even! The official accounts just teased a collaboration with Attack on Titan, which recently returned to the screens with Attack on Titan Final Season THE FINAL CHAPTERS Special 1. All we have to go on at the moment is the tease...
During the initial release week of Zero Builds, my Twitter feed was suddenly full of newFortniteplayers. I’ve even got my partner and sister, who aren’t the biggest gamers around, to find even more enjoyment in the game thanks to the mode and how feasible it is for almost anyone to ...
Our intention is to unify the shapes of cards across the game, making the images of Weapons and Traps a bit larger, and giving them more character. Added a new quest map for the Fortnitemares event. We have made a number of improvements to the way defenders are summoned and the UI tha...
it’s an obnoxious system if you are just looking to buy one item you are interested in. Most individual skins will run you anywhere between 1,000 and 2,000 V-Bucks (roughly USD $10-20), but character packs that come with emotes, backpacks called Back Bling, a skin, a harvesting pic...
CHARACTER (IN GAME): Thanks, stranger. LARRY HYRB: Let's go back to the-- let's play that again. Hold on. Let's play that again. REBECCA GORDIUS: [LAUGHS] LARRY HYRB: There. There it is. [LAUGHS] There it is. Yeah. [LAUGHS] ...
You can see it for yourself in the clip below - if you can manage to keep watching without ripping your own face off - but be warned that the video contains mature and, at times, offensive language. Soon after this little discussion, Soulja Boy is asked whether or not For...
Mask of Darkness is a challenging DLC meant for players who have mastered the complexities of The Lost Crown's silky-smooth platforming. It fleshes out the backstory of a character the main game mostly ignored and features some of the best art in the entire game. It celebrates almost every...