Codename E.L.F. Cuddle Team Leader Fishstick Jonesy Epic said it’ll fill in the blanks as the game progresses, and that every skin with an original design will receive a LEGO style, with over 1,200 currently implemented in the game right now (but not currently visible). Odds are your...
As part ofFortnitechapter 2, season 8, players will be able to collect color bottles to customize the newToona Fish character. To unlock each color for the Toona Fish, you’ll need to collect three color bottles across various locations around the map. Once you purchase the battle pass and...
There's no indication when exactly the new map will go live for all players, just that we can expect it some time during 2018. It was originally only open for Solo play, but PUBG Corp. opened it up to Squads in the middle of the week. In other PUBG news, the game's developer ...