All named locations in Fortnite Chapter 5, season 4 Named locations can be found all over the map. Screenshot by Dot Esports. Remix by Dot Esports There are16 named locationsyou can visit around the island inFortniteChapter Five, season four. Brawler’s Battleground Brutal Beachhead Castle Do...
For this one, we advise landing around gas stations, which always have ice machines (with fish in them, so keep this in mind for the previous quest!). Since you don’t need to search all five in one match, you can take your time with this one. Just make sure you ...
This quest isn’t too tricky, but you do need to know where to find the various gas stations around the map, as well as a drivable Battlebus. As shown on the map above (thanks,, there are numerous gas stations scattered around the island. To find a Battle...
There's more to enjoy in the map than just the water, and on land players are now able to hop into dumpsters and haystacks to surprise passing opponents. Perhaps even more excitingly, you can now use environmental hazards like exploding gas stations to deal serious damage to enemies. Fortn...
Fortnite Gas Stations Location - Where To Blow Up Gas Pumps (Chapter 2 Challenge) The latest weekly challenges for Fortnite Chapter 2 have you deal damage in a freak gasoline fight accident. Here's how to complete the challenge. Oct 31, 2019 8:57am Fortnite Ghost Town Location: Where ...
Fortnitefans who participated inChapter 2: Season 5will recall Cash Registers were part of specific quest-related tasks as well. The main locations where Cash Registers are likely to spawn are within Stores and Gas Stations. Similarly, this fact still applies toChapter 3, Season 2,for completin...
The battle royale title has had plenty of vehicles come and go over past updates, including planes, helicopters, boats, golf carts, driftboards, and ATVs, but plain old cars are a new addition. Their introduction was teased back in the trailer for the Chapter 2: Season 3 launch thatfloode...
For this quest, we recommend visiting gas stations around the map to find Off-Road Tires or Cow Catchers. Keep in mind, you need to utilize three upgrades, so grab multiple Off-Road Tires and/or Cow Catchers and then keep an eye out for vehicles. Throw these items onto the car to upg...
You’ll find Slurp barrels at gas stations and other busy areas, such as the vault at Ridgeline Ranger Station. You’ll likely complete this one naturally, but if you want to cross it off your list quickly, we advise landing at a gas station (marked on the map above) to...