在游玩Fortnite排位模式前,你需要完成超越500名玩家的任务,该任务可以在快速入门任务中找到。 完成该任务后,你就可以在Fortnite大厅的模式选择中开启或关闭排位模式。 这篇文章对你有帮助吗? 是否仍然需要帮助吗? 请查看这些当下流行的自助服务工具和文章,或者联系我们。
Ranked Reload is here in Fortnite! Unlock a different Style for the Felina Outfit based on your highest rank in Reload, BR, Zero Build, or Rocket Racing.
To play Fortnite ranked mode, you must complete anOutlast 500 playersquest that can be found in yourKickstart quests. Once you've completed this quest, you'll be able to toggle ranked mode on or off in the mode selection in the Fortnite lobby....
Ranked Reload is here in Fortnite! Unlock a different Style for the Felina Outfit based on your highest rank in Reload, BR, Zero Build, or Rocket Racing.
Why aren't I ranking up as fast as I think I should in Fortnite Ranked Play? If you feel as though you are not receiving as much rank percentage as expected while playing Ranked game modes, please keep in mind that match placement is not...
To play Fortnite ranked mode, you must complete an Outlast 500 players quest that can be found in your Kickstart quests. Once you've comp
Why aren't I ranking up as fast as I think I should in Fortnite Ranked Play? If you feel as though you are not receiving as much rank percentage as expected while playing Ranked game modes, please keep in mind that match placement is not...