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玩家必须拥有支持120Hz刷新率的显示器,才能启用120FPS模式。 在Xbox主机上玩Fortnite需要订阅Xbox Game Pass吗? 不,在Xbox主机上玩Fortnite无需订阅Xbox Game Pass。 通过Xbox云游戏玩Fortnite需要订阅Xbox Game Pass吗? 不,通过Xbox云游戏玩Fortnite无需订阅Xbox Game Pass。 任天堂Switch 在Nintendo Switch上玩Fort...
How does Fortnite Battle Pass work? How do I unlock rewards in the Battle Pass? What is Fortnite Crew and how does it work? How do I use the Battle Bundle? What are V-Bucks? Can I use the Battle Pass with Fortnite’s ‘Save the World’ mode?
Explore different game modes: Try out Battle Royale, Zero Build, and Creative to find what you enjoy most. Practice building (in standard Battle Royale): Spend time in Creative mode to hone your building skills. Learn to loot efficiently: Quickly gather weapons, ammo, and materials as soon ...
The best place to learn about the Battle Pass is in-game by selectingBattle Pass: How to purchase the Battle Pass In Fortnite: Battle Royale, click theBATTLE PASStab at the top of the screen and then clickGET THE BATTLE PASS. Choose the Battle Pass and th...
Fortnite Carolina Panthers Map: How to Play, Map Code Can You Get the Fortnite Battle Pass for Free? 10 Rare Fortnite Skins Everyone Wants, But Will Likely Never Get Epic Rewards: A game-changer for the Epic Game Store and players
X-Lord is unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 1. There are ten challenges in the set, each with their own rewards which can be seen below. Challenge:Reward: Purchase Season 10 Battle PassX-Lord Outfit Reach Battle Pass Tier 7Junk Bucket Glider ...
battle pass. The player base was minuscule in comparison to today’s player count and many of the players at the time may not have purchased the battle pass. Attaining this shield was even more difficult as the game was not set up with as many XP challenges as it is today and the ...
season of Fortnite. This was a totally different type of thing; it wasn't until season 2 that we standardized things much more. Instead of purchasing a battle pass, back in those days players would level up in the season and get the chance to purchase different cosmetics based on that ...