so using a 144Hz - even for competitive play - is unlikely to hold you back much (if at all). With that caveat out the way, if you want 240FPS in Fortnite to make the most of a 1080p 240Hz screen, below are the parts I can suggest for competitive settings. You'll want...
4 new user march 2024 edited march 2024 in predator laptops i bought my laptop 2 weeks ago. the specs are 4070 and i9-13900hx. the first time i tried fortnite on this pc i got around 600 fps in crative and 240 in game. a week later i got many fps drops down to 30 in game ...
¿Listos para un impulso de FPS en Fortnite? Estos consejos sobre hardware y software te mostrarán exactamente cómo lograr más fotogramas por segundo en Fortnite.
Here are the essential keyboard and mouse controls for playing Fortnite on PC: WASD: Move your character Spacebar: Jump Left Mouse Button: Shoot/Attack Right Mouse Button: Aim F: Interact with objects R: Reload Q: Switch between building and combat mode (in standard Battle Royale) ...
Fortnite would jump from 240fps to 30fps and just spike like that the whole time I would play. It made the game less than fun to play. It turned out the game does not like Freesync and I had to change a couple other settings in Adrenaline and in Fortnite's graphical settings. You...
Since Fortnite officially states that these issues are mainly related to the player's PC setup. - What is the best tool or set of tools to perform a precise root-cause analysis for FPS drops. I want to be able to view the precise moment when the FPS dropped, and pin point the exact...
Fortnite video configuration helps experience the gameplay in the best way. To experience Clix’s point of view during Fortnite, you can replicate his video settings attached below: Display Windowed ModeFrame Rate LimitResolution Fullscreen240 FPS1920×1080 ...
And also the FPS drops is still there. I found out that NVIDIA GPUs are experiencing this crashing on latest graphics driver problem as well, according to this Reddit post on r/FortNiteBR:
But when I choose performance mode as an option when I look at the sky and the edge of the map i get 240 constant. But when I look at the island or when im in a place with alot of builds my fps can go down to like 20... it usually stutters between 110 and 50 it just ...
37,240 Views man... having the same problem. the game used to run so fine before the launch of launch of fortnite chapter 4. used to get around 120 fps in dx12 but now it lags so bad even on performance mode. i have stopped playing the game due to this sick ...