FORTISWITCH 124F 设备开箱内含主机一台,配件一盒(一根三脚电源线、一根RJ45转USB-A串口线、螺丝与机架角铁、橡胶防滑垫、产品指南)。 图1 FORTISWITCH 124F包装 图2 FORTISWITCH 124F配件 前面板主要有24个RJ45口,4个SFP接口(支持1G/10G),一个USB口,一个RJ45串口;背面板主要有一个交流电源接入孔。 图3 FORTIS...
FS-124F 详细介绍 FortiSwitch具有极好的安全性、易用性和可伸缩性,满足企业分支机构和小型企业的独特需求。通过FortiLink专有管理协议,可实现FortiGate下一代防火墙和FortiSwitch以太网交换平台之间的无缝集成和管理。从而使 FortiSwitch成为FortiGate的逻辑扩展,允许通过单个接口集中管理网络安全和访问层功能。将FortiGate安全...
FortiSwitch-124F-POE Layer 2 FortiGate switch controller compatible PoE+ switch with 24x 1G RJ45 and 4x 10G/1G SFP+/SFP ports and 1x RJ45 console port. Ports 1 to 12 support PoE+ with maximum 185W PoE output limit with smart fan/temperature Be the first to review this product... Model...
FortiSwitch™ Secured Access Switch (Original and new) FortiSwitch FS-124F-POE Name L2+ managed POE switch with 24GE + 4SFP+, 24port POE with max 370W limit and smart fan temperature control Type FS-124F-POE FAQQ1: Can I get some samples?A: Yes, sample...
Ankündigung des neuen FortiSwitch 124F der Einstiegsklasse mit 10 GE SFP+ Uplinks Der 124F ist der neue Hardware-Begleiter des 148F und führt 10-GE-fähige SFP+-Uplinks mit 24 1-GE-Zugangsports in das Ethernet-Einstiegsangebot von Fortinet ein. Fortinet wird im Gartner Magic Quadr...
FS-124F 容量 128 Gbps 連接埠 24 x 1 GbE、4 x 10 GbE SFP 封包/秒 190 Mpps POE 已就緒 是 FS-108F 容量 20 Gbps 連接埠 8 x 1 GbE、2 SFP 封包/秒 30 Mpps POE 已就緒 是 按一下這裡查看企業部署 FortiCare 支援 & 專業服務
华三(H3C) S1226F-HPWR 24口千兆企业级网络交换机非网管即插即 "[""img/ib ¥ 1000.00 IP话机 CP-7821-K9= ¥ 0.10 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: 咨询 是否跨境出口专供货源: 否 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着...
Fortinet FortiSwitch 124F-POE Secure Access Switch The FortiSwitch™ Secure Access Family delivers outstanding security, performance, and manageability. Secure, simple, and scalable, FortiSwitch is the right choice for threat-conscious businesses of all sizes. ...
(FortiGate 60F, FortiSwitch 108E-FPOE, FortiSwitch 124F, FortiOS 7.0.3 on all) SOLUTION 1 - UNIVERSAL SOLUTION FOR ALL USE CASES: ANY DESIRED METHOD TO SHUT DOWN A FORTIGATE ALSO SHUTS DOWN ITS MANAGED FORTISWITCHES Create an Automation Stitch that detects in the logs that ...
FS-108E, 108E-POE, 108E-FPOE, 124E, 124E-POE, 124E-FPOE, 148E, 148E-POE, 224D-FPOE, 224E, 224E-POE, 248D, 248E-POE, 248E-FPOE, 424D, 424D-POE, 424D-FPOE, 448D, 448D-POE, 448D-FPOE, 424E-FIBER, M426E-FPOE, 424E, 424E-POE, 424E-FPOE, 448E, 448E-POE,...