With the web proxy profile, you can specify access permissions for Microsoft Office 365, Google G Suite, and Dropbox. You can insert vendor-defined headers that restrict access to the specific accounts. You can also insert custom headers for any destination. You can configure the web...
webproxy-profile Webproxy profile name. string Maximum length: 63 profile-type Determine whether the firewall policy allows security profile groups or single profiles only.single: Do not allow security profile groups.group: Allow security profile groups. option - profile-group Name of profile group...
-- repeat for all web filter profiles -- end 对于基于代理的网络筛选器配置文件,还应启用网络筛选器引用日志选项: config webfilter profile edit {name-of-profile} set web-filter-referer-log enable -- repeat for all proxy-based web filter profiles -- end 配置Fortinet Fortigate以记录所有URL和Referr...
UsingIPSinaprotectionprofile IPScanbecombinedwithotherFortiGatefeatures–antivirus,spamfiltering,web filtering,andwebcategoryfiltering–tocreateprotectionprofiles.Protection profilesarethenaddedtoindividualusergroupsandthentofirewallpolicies,or addeddirectlytofirewallpolicies. Thissectiondescribes: •Creatingaprotectionpr...
FGTWebfilterProfile Invoke-FGTRestMethod Move-FGTFirewallPolicy Remove-FGTFirewallAddress Remove-FGTFirewallAddressGroup Remove-FGTFirewallAddressGroupMember Remove-FGTFirewallPolicy Remove-FGTFirewallPolicyMember Remove-FGTFirewallProxyAddress Remove-FGTFirewallProxyAddressGroup Remove-FGTFirewallProxyAddress...
我需要更新后端FortinetFortiGate100E防火墙,而在CentOS linux上运行SquidProxy的唯一一台ip地址被授权访问internet的机器(来自前端防火墙)是10.1.2.3system autoupdate tunnelingset port 3128end 现在,部分流量通过代理,但仍然有从防火墙直接连接到端口更新不起作用,我打开了从防火墙接口到SquidProxy机器的每一个端口和协议...
Quirk: “prof_admin” does not appear in the Access Profile list * -FortiGate unit must be registered at and have a valid subscription contract to one or more FortiGuard service (AV, IPS, Web Filter, Spam Filter) * 如果所有学员全部登录到一台FGT60上,可能导致速度较慢。 因此使用两台FGT60...
webfilter content end config webfilter urlfilter end config spamfilter bword end config spamfilter emailbwl end config spamfilter ipbwl end config spamfilter mheader end config spamfilter dnsbl end config spamfilter iptrust end config firewall profile edit " strict" config log set log-web-ft...
no outbound-proxymax-dn 20max-pool 20authenticate registerdialplan-pattern 1 04371... extension-length 4voicemail 1111tftp-path flash: file textcreate profile sync 0003446981604596ntp-server mode unicast!voice register session-server 1!voice register dn 1session-server 1...
我在基于流的检查中有一个Fortigate 800 c,并在接口上配置了单臂嗅探器模式,并配置了具有以下配置的防火墙嗅探器。set ips-sensor sniffer-profile set interface port9但是,我无法在Fortigate有人能检查/让我知道在fortigate上是否需要配置/设置才能在IDS的嗅探模式下工作吗? 浏览0提问于2019-05-03得票数 2 ...