Free-style filter not working as defined under config fortianalyzer override-filter. 908856 Traffic log can show exabytes of data sent and received when generating log task is triggered from userspace. 929269 After disabling an event under the event filter, the system events summary page still...
title>Web Filter Block Override%%FORTIGUARD_WF%%%%FORTINET%%Web Filter Block OverrideIf you have been granted override creation privileges by your administrator, you can enter your username and password here to gain immediate access to the blocked web-page. If you do not have these privileges, pl...
If a secure web browser session is not working properly, you can check the session table to ensure the session is still active and going to the proper address. The session table can also tell you the security policy number it matches, so you can check what is happening in that policy...
emailfilter permission. 582716 Filtering service availability check always fails once anycast is enabled and override server is set. 583049 Internal server error while trying to create a new interface. 583760 After adding few web rating overrides via GUI to an already existing long list of URIs...
IPv6-Happy-Eyeballs-Mechanism not working with proxy-based Webfilter-Profile. 487096 SSL handshake fail when activate ESET application. 491417 FortiGate is dropping server hello packets when urlfilter is enabled. 493272 Multiple WAD crashes with signal 11 (Segmentation fault). 500965 FGT-200E in...
Web filter service is not start properly when DNS filter is configured in a firewall profile group. Endpoint Control Bug ID Description 666426 IPsec VPN does not have FCT client IP to send to EMS if using DHCP-over-IPsec. 685549 Need to check EMSC entitlement periodically inside fcnacd. ...
828211 Policy ID filter is not working as expected. 829862 On the Log & Report > ZTNA Traffic page, the client's Device ID is shown as [object Object]. The Log Details pane show the correct ID information. 834669 GTP/PFCP msg-type log field shows the name of GTP type. This breaks...
VNC (protocol version 3.6/3.3) connection is not working in SSL VPN web mode. 752351 When SSL VPN interface is turned down and then manually turned up again, the SSL routes are not added back to the kernel router. 753590 Brickstream web interface is not loading properly when accessed usi...
DNS filter is not working on active VDOM in second HA unit in virtual cluster environment. Endpoint Control Bug ID Description 664654 EMS host tags are not synced with the FortiGate when the user connects to a tunnel mode SSID. 687320 When using FortiClient EMS, renaming the imported CA ...