4.参考 Technical Note : Using VIP range for Source NAT (SNAT) and static 1-to-1 mapping from internal to external IP addresses Technical Tip : Policy Based Routing may block the access to an external VIP (Virtual IP) from an internal interface©...
e.SNAT实验结论:实验符合预期,内部服务器可以成功访问外部服务器,同时外部服务器看到的源IP是SNAT后的IP。 三、配置DNATa.创建DNAT的Virtual IP(也就是外部网络访问内部服务时使用的目的IP) config firewall vip edit "" set uuid 34a97bc8-6b8a-51eb-8808-b94f5cd25dba set e...
FortiGate虚拟IP设定 http://www.fortinet.org.cn 北京市海淀区北四环西路52号中芯大厦12层 电话: (010)62960376 FortiGate 虚拟IP 设定
配置DNAT后,外部服务器通过Virtual IP-来访问内部服务器的服务。 a.internal server 的eth0 网卡IP为5.5.5.1/24,网关为对端防火墙port2的IP: b.防火墙的port3接口6.6.6.1/24 连接外部网络服务器的eth0 接口6.6.6.2/24 二、SNAT的配置 a.配置NAT 地址池(IP POOL) config firewall ip...
If you need to hide the internal server port number or need to map several internal servers to the same public IP address, enable port-forwarding for Virtual IP.This topic shows how to use virtual IPs to configure port forwarding on a FortiGate unit. This example has one public external IP...
4.参考 Technical Note : Using VIP range for Source NAT (SNAT) and static 1-to-1 mapping from internal to external IP addresses Technical Tip : Policy Based Routing may block the access to an external VIP (Virtual IP) from an internal interface©...
If you need to hide the internal server port number or need to map several internal servers to the same public IP address, enable port-forwarding for Virtual IP.This topic shows how to use virtual IPs to configure port forwarding on a FortiGate unit. This example has one public external IP...
北京市海淀区北四环西路 52 号中芯大厦 12 层 电话 010 62960376 4 参考 Technical Note Using VIP range for Source NAT SNAT and static 1 to 1 mapping from internal to external IP addresses Technical Tip Policy Based Routing may block the access to an external VIP Virtual IP from an internal ...
在窗口左边选择“Firewall->Virtual IP”,右边窗口点击“New”按扭,出现配置界面,具体如下: 其中:Name:为该映射IP的名字,可以随便定义, External Interface:设定该IP所对应的物理接口, External IP Address:映射前IP,一般为内网IP, Map to IP:映射后IP,一般为外网IP。 7 在左边窗口选择“Failwall->service”,...
FortiGate (settings)# set manageip FortiGate (settings)# set gateway FortiGate (settings)# end Changing to TP mode FortiGate# get system status Operation Mode: Transparent Virtual domains status:0in NAT mode,1in TP mode ...