set ha-priority “HA election priority (1 - 50)” set update-cascade-interface “Enable/disable update cascade interface, default: enable” set update-static-route “Enable/disable updating the static route, default: enable” set status “Enable/disable this link monitor, default: enable” next ...
set update-static-route {enable | disable} When the link fails, all static routes associated with the interface will be removed. Routing You must configure a default route for each interface and indicate your preferred route as follows: Specify different distances for the two routes. The lower ...
Total number of prefixes 3 cisco#show ip route | b Gateway Gateway of last resort is to network S* [254/0] via is variably subnetted, 5 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/0 L ...
config system sdwan config health-check edit "server" set server "" set update-static-route enable set members 1 2 next end endTo diagnose the Performance SLA status: FGT # diagnose sys sdwan health-check Health Check(server): Seq(1): state(alive), packet-loss(0.000%) late...
FortiGate只会进行两次策略路由或路由表查找第一个发起包第一个回复包路由信息被写入会话表同一会话中的其他包使用相同的路径转发例外:当OSPF拓扑发生变化时,路由信息被会话所刷新,需要重新学习路由查找逻辑图RouteCacheMatchPolicyRoutesFIBMatchMatchRouting TableTypesConnectedStaticDynamicdiagnose ip rtcache listshow ...
Ensure FortiGate VM has Correct Route to On-Premises Corporate Resources Multi-homed Azure VMs have all network interfaces on the same virtual network (but perhaps separate subnets). This often means that both network interfaces have a connection to the on-premises corporate...
FortiGate 安全防火墙系列产品说明书 FortiOS™ 6.0 Fortinet’s Network Operating System Control all the security and networking capabilities in all your Fortinet Security Fabric elements with one intuitive operating system. Improve your protection and visibility while reducing operating expenses and saving ...
# Get information about ALL Static Route (using Format Table) Get-FGTRouterStatic | Format-Table seq-num q_origin_key status dst src gateway distance weight priority device --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 2 enable 198.51...
BGP/Neighbors/IPv6netgrp.route-cfgapi/v2/monitor/router/bgp/neighbors6 Firewall/IpPoolfwgrp.policyapi/v2/monitor/firewall/ippool Firewall/LoadBalancefwgrp.othersapi/v2/monitor/firewall/load-balance Firewall/Policiesfwgrp.policyapi/v2/monitor/firewall/policy/select ...
In your static route, set the distance manually lower than the default. Equal won' t work. Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at: 4330 0 Reply Not applicable Created on 06-23-2010 06:20 AM Hi! Ok but on the ...