FortiGate 會使用此安全性群組透過 VPN 授與使用者網路存取權。在Microsoft Entra 系統管理中心,瀏覽至 [身分識別]> [群組]> [新增群組]。 在[新增群組] 屬性中,完成這些步驟: 在[群組類型] 清單中,選取 [安全性]。 在[群組名稱] 方塊中,輸入 FortiGateAccess。 在[群組描述] 方塊中,輸入 [用來授與 ...
指定DNS服务器为其他服务器SSL-VPN设置里面DNS服务器直接指定地址 之后SSL-VPN设置,在全部用户和组里指定门户 选择全部访问 修改SSLVPNPortal,左侧选择VPN,SSLVPNPortals,右侧选择刚才选择的full-access 关掉隧道分割 如果打开的话可以给客户端流量设置路由,控制那部分流量走Gate,哪部分走本地...
Use Microsoft Entra ID to control who can access FortiGate SSL VPN. Enable your users to be automatically signed in to FortiGate SSL VPN with their Microsoft Entra accounts. Manage your accounts in one central location: the Azure portal. ...
Configure SSL VPN web portal: Go to VPN > SSL-VPN Portals to edit the full-access portal. This portal supports both web and tunnel mode. Disable Enable Split Tunneling so that all SSL VPN traffic goes through the FortiGate.Configure SSL VPN settings: Go to VPN > SSL-...
Client VPNs are used to grant VPN access to users without an enterprise firewall, such as remote workers or employees at home. This article details an example SSL VPN configuration that will allow a user to access internal network infrastructure while still retaining access to the open internet...
Configure SSL VPN web portal. Go to VPN > SSL-VPN Portals to edit the full-access portal. This portal supports both web and tunnel mode. Disable Enable Split Tunneling so that all SSL VPN traffic goes through the FortiGate.Configure SSL VPN settings. Go to VPN > ...
FortiGate 會使用此安全性群組透過 VPN 授與使用者網路存取權。在Microsoft Entra 系統管理中心,瀏覽至 [身分識別]> [群組]> [新增群組]。 在[新增群組] 屬性中,完成這些步驟: 在[群組類型] 清單中,選取 [安全性]。 在[群組名稱] 方塊中,輸入 FortiGateAccess。 在[群組描述] 方塊中,輸入 [用來授與 ...
创建FortiGate VPN 门户和防火墙策略 在本部分中,你将配置 FortiGate VPN 门户和防火墙策略,以授予对之前在本教程中创建的 FortiGateAccess 安全组的访问权限。 有关说明,请参阅使用 Microsoft Entra ID 作为 SAML IdP 为 SSL VPN 配置 SAML SSO 登录名。
VPN performance for the best user experience on direct internet access • Enables best-of-breed NGFW security and deep SSL inspection with high performance • Extends security to access layer to enable SD-Branch transformation with accelerated and integrated switch and access point connectivity 5 ...
VPNauthenticationusuallycontrolsremoteaccesstoaprivatenetwork. FortiGateFortiOSv3.0MR5UserAuthenticationUserGuide 01-30005-03475 FortiGateadministrator’sviewofauthenticationIntroduction Web-baseduserauthentication Firewallpoliciesusuallycontrolbrowsingaccesstoanexternalnetworkthat providesconnectiontotheInternet.Inthiscase,the...