set extintf "any" //对外接口 set portforward enable //启动端口转发,也就是端口映射 set color 6 //可选,配置颜色,6为红色 set mappedip "" //映射到内部的IP set extport 3389 //对外端口 set mappedport 3389 //映射到内部的端口 next edit "69" set uuid 4b81f326-6379-51ea-3...
1、fortigate常用配置命令一、命令结构configconfigure object.对策略,对象等进行配置 getget dynamic and system information.查看相关关对象的参数信息showshow configuration.查看配置文件diagnosediagnose facility.诊断命令executeexecute static commands.常用的工具命令,如 ping exitexit the cli.退出二、常用命令1、配置...
常用的工具命令,如ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2、配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 FortiGate (1) # set device ...
executeExecutestaticcommands.常用的工具命令,如pingexitExittheCLI.退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址 FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2、配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 FortiGate (1) ...
通过命令行CLI配置指定源IP: config system virtual-wan-link config members edit <ID> //这里的ID指的是对应的VPN接口加入后的成员ID set source <IP address> //指定特定的源IP,用于SLA状态探测 end end 配置特定源IP回到页面上查看,可以看到对应的Performance SLA正常探测通:...
exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1.配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2.配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 ...
FortiGate # config firewall address FortiGate (address) # edit clientnet new entry 'clientnet' added FortiGate (clientnet) # set subnet FortiGate (clientnet) # end 5.添加ip池 FortiGate (ippool) # edit nat-pool ...
CLIcommandsyntaxconfigfirewallpolicy editid_integer sethttp_retry_countretry_integer setnatipaddress_ipv4mask end DocumentnamesFortiGateAdministrationGuide FilecontentHTMLHEADTITLEFirewall Authentication/TITLE/HEAD BODYH4Youmustauthenticatetousethis service./H4 ...
1.开启Internal端口的IP MAC绑定功能 登陆到FG110C的管理页面,在登陆进去的首页面,向下拉滚动条,找到“CLI控制台”,默认情况下,CLI控制台处理未连接状态,在黑色窗口中点击一下,就可以连接到CLI控制台,在命令行输入以下命令,就可以打开Internal端口的IP MAC绑定功能: Configsystem interface Edit switch Setipmacenabl...