FortiGate (1)#set logtraffic disable //日志开关 FortiGate (1)#set nat enable //开启nat end 8.配置映射策略 FortiGate # config firewall policy FortiGate (policy) #edit 2 FortiGate (2)#set srcintf wan1 //源接口 FortiGate (2)#set dstintf internal //目的接口 FortiGate (2)#set srcaddr al...
FortiGate上面检查网络连通性的几个方法_FGT、日常维护、系统管理 更多资料欢迎您的光临!FortiGate上面检查网络连通性的三个步骤 1.适用范围 更多: 所有的运行在NAT或者TP模式下面的FortiGate设备。2.说明 本文描述的是在FortiGate上面检查网络连通性的三个典型...
5、策略路由检查而使用普通路由表路由查找对于任何一个会话,FortiGate只会进行两次策略路由或路由表查找第一个发起包第一个回复包路由信息被写入会话表同一会话中的其他包使用相同的路径转发例外:当OSPF拓扑发生变化时,路由信息被会话所刷新,需要重新学习路由查找逻辑图RouteCacheMatchPolicyRoutesFIBMatchMatchRouting TableTy...
FortiGate (1)#set nat enable //开启nat end 8、配置映射策略 FortiGate # config firewall policy FortiGate (policy) #edit 2 FortiGate (2)#set srcintf wan1 //源接口 FortiGate (2)#set dstintf internal //目的接口 FortiGate (2)#set srcaddr all //源地址 FortiGate (2)#set dstaddr FortiGate...
config system settings set asymroute enable end config router static edit 1 set device VDOM_link0 set dst set weight 50 next end Fortinet公司 7 config firewall policy edit 1 set srcintf VDOM_link0 set dstintf wan1 set srcaddr all set dstaddr all set action accept set schedule always set...
By default, FortiGate provisions the IPSec tunnel in route-based mode. This topic focuses on FortiGate with a route-based VPN configuration. If necessary, you can have FortiGate provision the IPSec tunnel in policy-based mode. To enable the feature, go to System, and then to Feature Visiblit...
FortiGate (1)#set nat enable //开启nat end 8、配置映射策略 FortiGate # config firewall policy FortiGate (policy) #edit 2 FortiGate (2)#set srcintf wan1 //源接口 FortiGate (2)#set dstintf internal //目的接口 FortiGate (2)#set srcaddr all //源地址 ...
set route-reflector-client enable next end config neighbor-range edit 1 set prefix set neighbor-group "AD×××-PEERS" next end config network edit 1 set prefix next end end 配置安全策略。配置策略放通本地网络和AD×××网络之前的流量,必须记得...
目的地址FortiGate (1)#set action accept/ 动作FortiGate (1)#set schedule always/ 时间FortiGate (1)#set service ALL/ 服务FortiGate (1)#set logtraffic disable/ 日志开关FortiGate (1)#set nat enable/ 开启 natend8 、配置映射策略FortiGate # config firewall policyFortiGate (policy) #edit 2FortiGate...
FortiGate上面检查网络连通性的三个步骤 1、适用范围 所有的运行在NAT或者TP模式下面的FortiGate设备。 2、说明 本文描述的是在FortiGate上面检查网络连通性的三个典型步骤,这三个步骤的输出信息同样对于FortiGate技术支持中心来说是非常有用的也是提交tcket必须的附件。 我们假设的网络环境如下显示: [PC1]===portA[...