# diagnose debug application dnsproxy -1 # diagnose debug enable 注意:如果VDOM开启,在管理VDOM下运行上述命令。 参考: Troubleshoot DNS rating error occurs (no available FortiGuard SDNS servers) Technical Tip: Improving Unicast-based DNS Filtering redundancy and resolving 'no available Fortiguard SDNS ...
请留意,如果在多个VDOM下操作,请在管理VDOM时运行上述命令。参考文献包括:“Troubleshoot DNS rating error occurs (no available FortiGuard SDNS servers)”和“Technical Tip: Improving Unicast-based DNS Filtering redundancy and resolving 'no available Fortiguard SDNS servers' errors”。通过遵循...
831817 Entering set domain <string> returns a not a valid dns domain error. 832920 Unable to edit the parent interface from the IPsec configuration if it was configured on an IPIP tunnel. 836260 The IPsec aggregate interface does not appear in the Interface dropdown when configuring the Int...
When the URL filter requests the FortiGuard (FGD) rating server address using DNS, it will try to get both A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records. 937982 High CPU usage might be observed on entry-level FortiGates if the cache size reaches 10% of the system memory. 947240 FortiGate is ...
ip dhcp pool sdm-pool1 network dns-server default-router ! ! no ip domain lookup ip domain name yourdomain.com ! multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ! username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$y9cc$zDS99mPOV8EGAgdU9nnNw. ! !
FortiDNS FortiEdge Cloud FortiEDR/XDR FortiEndpoint FortiExplorer FortiExplorer Go FortiExtender FortiFlex FortiFone FortiGate / FortiOS FortiGate Cloud FortiGate CNF FortiGate Private Cloud FortiGate Public Cloud FortiGate-5000 FortiGate-6000 FortiGate-7000 FortiGate-as-a-Service FortiGuest FortiHypervisor ...
FortiDNS FortiEdge Cloud FortiEDR/XDR FortiEndpoint FortiExplorer FortiExplorer Go FortiExtender FortiFlex FortiFone FortiGate / FortiOS FortiGate Cloud FortiGate CNF FortiGate Private Cloud FortiGate Public Cloud FortiGate-5000 FortiGate-6000 FortiGate-7000 FortiGate-as-a-Service FortiGuest FortiHypervisor For...
FortiDNS FortiEdge Cloud FortiEDR/XDR FortiEndpoint FortiExplorer FortiExplorer Go FortiExtender FortiFlex FortiFone FortiGate / FortiOS FortiGate Cloud FortiGate CNF FortiGate Private Cloud FortiGate Public Cloud FortiGate-5000 FortiGate-6000 FortiGate-7000 FortiGate-as-a-Service FortiGuest FortiHypervisor For...
Security rating Automation stitches Public and private SDN connectors Getting started with public and private SDN connectors AliCloud SDN connector using access key AWS SDN connector using certificates Azure SDN connector using service principal Cisco ACI SDN connec...
DNS filter forwards the DNS status code 1 FormErr as status code 2 ServFail in cases where the redirect server responses have no question section. 748227 DNS proxy generated local out rating (FortiGuard category) queries can time out if they are triggered for the same DNS domains with the ...