Fortinet FortiOS 6.0.0版本至6.0.4版本、5.6.0版本至5.6.7版本和5.4及之前版本中的SSL VPN Web门户存在跨站脚本漏洞。该漏洞源于WEB应用缺少对客户端数据的正确验证。攻击者可利用该漏洞执行客户端代码。 漏洞影响 Fortinet Fortios 6.2 Fortinet Fortios 6.0.5 Fortinet Fortios 5.6.8 复现过程 /remote/error?
FortiGate SSL VPN基于用户的访问控制 SSL VPN基于用户的访问控制 版本 1.0 时间2014年4月 支持的版本N/A 状态已审核 反馈 文档说明:SSL VPN工作在隧道模式,可以根据用户VPN拨号的用户名,来实现对企业内部资源的访问控制,只需要在SSLVPN拨入时认证一次。测试版本:FortiOS 5.0.6 ...
config system global set admin-maintainer disable 1. 2.
有以下类型的动作: Accept Deny SSLssl vpn的策略 IPSecIpsec vpn的策略,防火墙策略使用“Any”接口,源或目的接口都可以设置为“any” 如果任何一条防火墙策略使用了“any”接口,则只能使用防火墙策略全局视图 “any”接口不能用于VIP或IP-pool,两种查看方式Section或者Global,使用了Any作为接口只能支持Global view,...
Configure SSL VPN web portal: Go to VPN > SSL-VPN Portals to edit the full-access portal. This portal supports both web and tunnel mode. Disable Enable Split Tunneling so that all SSL VPN traffic goes through the FortiGate. Configure SSL VPN settings: Go to VPN > SSL-VPN Settings. Selec...
MenucommandsGotoVPNSSLConfig. ProgramoutputWelcome! Variablesgroup_name FortiGatedocumentation Themostup-to-datepublicationsandpreviousreleasesofFortinetproduct documentationareavailablefromtheFortinetTechnicalDocumentationwebsite at. ThefollowingFortiGateproductdocumentationisavailable: ...
SSL VPN web mode SMB connection doesn't work when enable then disable SMBCD debug. 519483 Invalid HTTP Request' when SMB via SSL VPN bookmark is executed. 519987 HTTP bookmark error SyntaxError: Expected ')' after accessing internal server. 520307 Unable to view Cisco APIC web interface ...
Scenario: Microsoft Entra SSO integration with FortiGate SSL VPNI am unable to connect via FortiClient vpn version 7.2.x.x.But when i use FortiClient vpn...
Disable all VPNs (SSL-VPN or IPSEC) until the following remediation steps have been taken. Immediately upgrade affected devices to the latest available release, as detailed below. Treat all credentials as potentially compromised by performing an organization-wide password reset. Implement multi-factor...
VPN/Ssl/Connectionsvpngrpapi/v2/monitor/vpn/ssl VPN/Ssl/Statsvpngrpapi/v2/monitor/vpn/ssl/stats VirtualWAN/HealthChecknetgrp.cfgapi/v2/monitor/virtual-wan/health-check Wifi/APStatuswifiapi/v2/monitor/wifi/ap_status Wifi/Clientswifiapi/v2/monitor/wifi/client ...