diag netlink brctl name host root.b 其次通过 debug sniffer 抓包进行定位 diagnose sniffer packet any " host" 4 抓全局接口的 流量转发情况,按 CTRL+C 中断抓包 diagnose sniffer packet portA " tcp port 80" 4 diagnose sniffer packet portB " icmp and host" 4 ...
命令: diagnose sniffer packet.# diag sniffer packet <interface> <'filter'> <verbose> <count> 2.参数说明 2.1 interface <interface> 指定实际的接口名称,可以是真实的物理接口名称,也可以是VLAN 的逻辑接口名称,当使用“any”关键字时,表示抓全部接口的数据包。例:#diag sniffer packet port1 //...
例:#diagnose sniffer packet port1 //表示抓物理接口为port1 的所有数据包 #diagnose sniffer packet any //表示抓所有接口的所有数据包 #diagnose sniffer packet port1-v10 //当在物理接口建立一个VLAN 子接口,其逻辑 接口名为port1-v10,此时表示抓port1-v10 接口的所有数据包,此处一定注意一个问题,由于...
Sniffer命令格式:Fortigate# diagnose sniffer packet <interface-name> '<filter>'举例:抓包IP地址10.2.22.21与202.103.24.68之间所有的DNS通信 FG200D3915807028 # diagnose sniffer packet any 'port 53 and host and'输出结果示例:interfaces=[any]filters=[port 53 and ...
Fortigate#diagnosesnifferpacket'' 举例:抓包IP地址10.2.22.21与202.103.24.68之间所有的DNS通信 FG200D3915807028#diagnosesnifferpacketany'port53andhost10.2.22.21and' 输出结果示例: interfaces=[any] filters=[port53andhost10.2.22.21and202.103.24.68] ...
Set sniffer policy to only log logtraffic=utm but many traffic log stats are still generated in disk or FortiAnalyzer. 578057 Action field in traffic log cannot record security policy action—it shows the consolidated policy action. 580887 No traffic log after reducing miglogd child to 1. 58...
FGT#diagnosesnifferpacketany"host<PC1>orhost<PC2>orarp"4 敲“CTRL+C”可以中止sniffer Sniffer命令参数‘4’可以显示出报文具体的进口和出口。 步骤二,debugflow 正确的ping包应该可以正常的穿过FortiGate,如果没有正常穿越,可以尝试用debugflow命令来查找问题: diagdebugenable diagdebugflowfilteradd<PC1>...
Sniffer命令格式:Fortigate# diagnose sniffer packet 举例:抓包IP地址1与8之间所有的DNS通信FG200D3915807028 # diagnose sniffer packet any port 53 and host 1 and 8输出结果示例:interfaces=anyfilters=port 53 and host 1 and 823.015563 1.53751 - 8.53: udp 4823.043507 8.53 - 1.53751: udp 6423.044743 ...
FortiGate排错⼯具详解 FortiGate排错⼯具 版本 1.0 时间 2013年7⽉ ⽀持的版本 FortiOS v5.0.x 状态已审核 反馈support_cn@http://www.doczj.com/doc/5331bbcb534de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72f44.html ⽬录 简介 (3)FortiOS 诊断 (3)FortiGate 端⼝ (30)FortiAnalyzer/FortiManager 端⼝ (31...
diagnose sniffer packet portA "" 4 0 l diagnose sniffer packet portB "" 4 0 l 4.2.3 如有需要,可以通过每个vlan 进行获取更明细内容 diagnose sniffer packet"" 6 0 l 参数4 和6 的区别(用于显示输出抓取数据参数): 1: print header of packets(只有IP 头部) ...