移至https://<address>:8443。 在這裡,<address>是指派給 FortiGate VM 的 FQDN 或公用 IP 位址。 使用FortiGate VM 部署期間所提供的管理員認證來登入。 在左側功能表中,選取 [網路]。 在[網路] 底下,選取 [靜態路由]。 選取[新建]。 在[目的地] 旁,選取 [子網路]。
IP address and mask (if available) index of the interface (a type of ID number) devname (the interface name)While physical interface names are set, virtual interface names can vary. A good way to use this command is to list all of the virtual interface names. For vsys_ha and vsy...
GigabitEthernet0/1 cisco#sh ip bgp BGP routing table entry for, version 127 Paths: (1 available, best #1, table default, RIB-failure(17)) Not advertised to any peer Refresh Epoch 1 65002, (received & used) from ( Origin...
By default, Oracle uses the CPE's public IP address, which you provide when you create the CPE object in the Oracle Console. However, if a CPE is behind a NAT device, the CPE IKE identifier configured on the on-premises end might be the CPE's private IP address, as shown in the ...
set ip //设置IP地址 set allowaccess ping set type physical set role wan //可选配置,设置为WAN接口 set snmp-index 4 next edit "port10" set vdom "root" set dhcp-relay-service enable //开启DHCP中继服务 set ip ...
Enter local address []: //为WAN1配置一个临时ip地址 Enter firmware image file name [image.out]: FGT_60C-v5-build0292-FORTINET.out //输入镜像文件的名字 MAC:00:09:0f:d8:a2:c4 Connect to tftp server ... ...
其他常用Troubleshooting命令 diagnose ip rtcache list //调试ip包收发情况 show router policy get router info routing table all //查看路由表(生效的路由表) execute ping-options source ---带源ping get router info kernel //查看fib表 diag ip address list //查看ip地址列表 diag...
FortiGate # config firewall address FortiGate (address) # edit clientnet new entry 'clientnet' added FortiGate (clientnet) # set subnet FortiGate (clientnet) # end 5.添加ip池 FortiGate (ippool) # edit nat-pool ...
Defaultfailopensetting11 Controllingsessions11 Settingautoupdate11 RestrictingIPSprocessing12 Settingthebuffersize12 Monitoringthenetworkanddealingwithattacks12 Configuringloggingandalertemail12 Attacklogmessages13 TheFortiGuardCenter14 UsingIPSinaprotectionprofile15 ...
1.Go to System > Network > Options, enter the Primary and Secondary DNS IP ad-dresses that you recorded above and select Apply.To configure a Default Gateway 1.Go to Router > Static and select Edit icon for the static route.2.Set Gateway to the Default Gateway IP address you recorded ...