config system geneve edit geneve45 set interface port2 set type ethernet set ip-version ipv4-unicast set remote-ip set dstport 6081 set vni 88 nextend 而当我们配置完成之后,查看配置时,就会发现只显示3条配置了,因为剩余3条和默认配置一样。 config system geneve edit geneve45 set interfa...
#为隧道1添加IPsec-VPN第一阶段配置 config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "to_aliyun_test1" set interface "port1" #指定接口为公网出口的接口。 set ike-version 2 set peertype any set net-device disable set proposal des-sha1 set localid-type address #指定localid的格式为IP地址格式,与阿里云侧...
2.将接口加入RIP进程下: config interface edit "internal1" set receive-version 1 2 //接收RIP version 1和version 2更新 set send-version 1 2 //发送RIP version 1和version 2更新 next end 3.将静态路由重分发进RIP: config redistribute "static" set status enable end 此时配置结束。 注:敲完 next...
要启用日志硬盘记 录功能,只能进入FortiGate 命令行下面进行设置,具体命令如下: 1,可以使用get system status 命令确定你所使用的FortiGate 设备是否带有硬盘: FGT4002404200016 # get system status Version: Fortigate-400 3.00,build0726,080716 Virus-DB: 9.00032(2008-04-29 05:38) IPS-DB: 2.00461(2008-01-...
FortiGate 防火墙快速集成指南.pdf_1698110433.9004033说明书 FortiGatefirewallQuickIntegrationGuide forPacketFenceversion5.0.0
要启用日志硬盘记录功能,只能进入FortiGate命令行下面进行设置,具体命令如下:1,可以使用get system status命令确定你所使用的FortiGate设备是否带有硬盘:FGT4002404200016 # get system status Version: Fortigate-400 3.00,build0726,080716 Virus-DB: 9.00032(2008-04-29 05:38)IPS-DB: 2.00461(2008-01-18 ...
2.config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "to_aliyun_test2" set interface "port1" # Set the interface to port1, which is the public network egress. set ike-version 2 set peertype any set net-device disable set proposal des-sha1 set localid-type address # Set the format of localid ...
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "toazure1" set interface "port1" set ike-version 2 set keylife 28800 set peertype any set proposal aes256-sha1 set dhgrp 2 set remote-gw set psksecret *** next edit "toazure2" set interface "port1" set ike-versio...
Defining gateway IP addresses in IPsec with mode-config and DHCP FQDN support for remote gateways Windows IKEv2 native VPN with user certificate IPsec IKE load balancing based on FortiSASE account information IPsec SA key retrieval from a KMS server using KMIP IPsec key retrieval with a ...