1,可以通过SSH, Telnet, 或者serial console2,CLI的配置是分级的结构,如下所示:config system interfaceedit "internal"set vdom "root"set ip allowaccess p… 1,可以通过SSH, Telnet, 或者serial console 2,CLI的配置是分级的结构,如下所示: config system interface edit “int...
diag debug flow show console enable diag debug flow show function-name enable diag debug flow trace start 100 diag debug enable … 停止 debug, 输入"diag debug flow trace stop / diag debug reset " Debug flow 目的 IP: diag debug flow filter add <IP_address_of_destination_device> diag debug...
set ip //设置IP地址 set allowaccess ping set type physical set role wan //可选配置,设置为WAN接口 set snmp-index 4 next edit "port10" set vdom "root" set dhcp-relay-service enable //开启DHCP中继服务 set ip set allowaccess ping htt...
常用的工具命令,如ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2、配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 FortiGate (1) # set device ...
1.开启Internal端口的IP MAC绑定功能 登陆到FG110C的管理页面,在登陆进去的首页面,向下拉滚动条,找到“CLI控制台”,默认情况下,CLI控制台处理未连接状态,在黑色窗口中点击一下,就可以连接到CLI控制台,在命令行输入以下命令,就可以打开Internal端口的IP MAC绑定功能: Configsystem interface Edit switch Setipmacenabl...
exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1.配置接口地址: FortiGate# config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2.配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1
1、对策略,对象等进行配查看相关关对象的参数信息查看配置文件诊断命令常用的工具命令,如ping退出FortiGate 常用配置命令一、命令结构configConfigure object.置getGet dynamic and system information.showShow configuration.diagnoseDiagnose facility.executeExecute static commands.exit Exit the CLI.二、常用命令1 、配置...
To add a link health monitor (IPv4) using the CLI: config system link-monitor edit <link-monitor-name> set addr-mode ipv4 set srcintf <interface-name> set server <server-IP-address> set protocol {ping tcp-echo udp-echo http twamp} set gateway-ip <gateway-IP-address> set interval <se...
常用的工具命令,如ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2、配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 FortiGate (1) # set device ...
常用的工具命令,如ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip FortiGate (lan) # end 2、配置静态路由 FortiGate (static) # edit 1 FortiGate (1) # set device ...