将配置备份通过tftp备份到192.168.1.1. 备份名称为configuration20200101.cfg execute backup config tftp configuration20200101.cfg 1. 2.HA相关 1. 查看HA状态 get system ha status show system ha execute ha failover set ** 手动执行防火墙切换 execute ha manage ** CLI命令行登录另一台设备 1....
查看相关关对象的参数信息 show Show configuration. 查 3、看配置文件 diagnose Diagnose facility. 诊断命令 execute Execute static command 4、s. 常用的工具命令,如 ping exit Exit the CLI. 5、; 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址 : FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit ...
查看相关关对象的参数信息show Show configuration. 查看配置文件 diagnose Diagnose facility. 诊断命令 execute Execute static commands. 常用的工具命令,如ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # ...
show Show configuration. 查看配置文件 diagnose Diagnose facility. 诊断命令 execute Execute static commands. 常用的工具命令,如 ping exit Exit the CLI. 退出 二、常用命令 1.配置接口地址: FortiGate # config system interface FortiGate (interface) # edit lan FortiGate (lan) # set ip
configConfigureobject.对策略,对象等进行配置 getGet dynamic andsysteminformation.查看相关关对象的参数信息showShowconfiguration.查看配置文件 diagnoseDiagnosefacility.诊断命令 executeExecutestaticcommands.常用的工具命令,如pingexitExittheCLI.退出 二、常用命令 1、配置接口地址 FortiGate # config system interface Fort...
Basic configurationThis topic will help you configure a few basic settings on the FortiGate as described in the Using the GUI and Using the CLI sections, including:Configuring an interface Configuring the hostname Configuring the default route Ensuring internet and FortiGuard connectivity Using ...
所以我们常说,掌握命令行界面(Command Line Interface,CLI)的配置十分重要。对大部分厂商来讲,CLI可代替GUI进行设备配置,而且某些设置在GUI中不可用,只能使用CLI进行访问。 接下来,我们试试SSH。 登录成功,然后我们就可以畅快地使用命令行了。 当然,为了方便操作,我们也可以去飞塔官网下载一下命令手册,首先查看一下设...
FortiGate 常用配置命令 一、命令结构 config Configure object. 对策略,对象等进行配 置 get Get dynamic and system information. 查看相关关对象的参数信息 show Show configuration. 查看配置文件 diagnose Diagnose facility. 诊断命令 execute Execute static commands. 常用的工具命令,如 ping exit Exit the CLI....
FortiGate-60 # config system interface (interface)# edit wan2 (wan2)# set ip (wan2)# end FortiGate-60 # 7. 可以用“get”命令显示参数和当前值: (internal)# get name : internal vdom : root cli-conn-status : 0 ...