Task 2: Add a static route for the Oracle IP address Task 3: Configure BGP Verification The following CLI command is useful for gathering statistical data such as the number of packets encrypted versus decrypted, the number of bytes sent versus received, the encryption domain (SPI) identifier,...
To add a default route in the GUI:Go to Network > Static Routes and create a new route. Enter the following information: Destination Subnet IP address Gateway Interface wan2 Distance 10To add a default route with the CLI:config vdom...
FortiGateファイアウォールのCLIに移動します。 フェーズ1のIPsec-VPN設定 (IKE設定とも呼ばれます) をFortiGateファイアウォールに追加します。 #Add Phase 1 IPsec-VPN configurationsforTunnel 1.config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "to_aliyun_test1" set interface "port1" # Set the interface...
endTo add a default route in the GUI:Go to Network > Static Routes and create a new route. Enter the following information: Destination Subnet IP address Gateway Interface wan1 Distance 10To add a default route with the CLI:config vdom...
Task 2: Add a static route for the Oracle IP address Task 3: Configure BGP Verification The following CLI command is useful for gathering statistical data such as the number of packets encrypted versus decrypted, the number of bytes sent versus received, the encryption domain (SPI) identifier,...
Policy(Add/Get/Remove) Proxy Address/Address Group/ Policy(Add/Get/Set/Remove) Router BGP(Get/Set) Router OSPF(Get/Set) RoutePolicy (Get) SDN Connector(Get) Service (Get) Service Group (Get) Static Route(Add/Get/Remove) System Admin / Virtual Switch (Get) ...
BGP/Neighbors/IPv6netgrp.route-cfgapi/v2/monitor/router/bgp/neighbors6 Firewall/IpPoolfwgrp.policyapi/v2/monitor/firewall/ippool Firewall/LoadBalancefwgrp.othersapi/v2/monitor/firewall/load-balance Firewall/Policiesfwgrp.policyapi/v2/monitor/firewall/policy/select ...
Addcustomsignaturesusingtheweb-basedmanagerortheCLI.Formore informationaboutcustomsignaturesyntax,see“Creatingcustomsignatures”on page29and“Customsignaturesyntax”onpage30. Addingcustomsignaturesusingtheweb-basedmanager Toaddacustomsignature 1GotoIntrusionProtectionSignatureCustom. 2SelectCreateNewtoaddanewcustomsigna...
ToremoveaRADIUSserverfromtheFortiGateunitconfiguration-CLI configuserradius deleteradius_name end AdditionalRADIUSrequestattributes ThereareseveraladditionalattributesthatcanbeaddedtoRADIUS authenticationrequestsviatheCLIonly.Theyinclude: use-management-vdomEnabletousethemanagementVDOMtosendall RADIUSrequests. use-group...
••Command Line Interface (CLI)The CLI is a full-featured management tool. Use it to configure the administrator password,the interface addresses, the default gateway address, and the DNS server addresses. To configure advanced settings, see the Tools and Documentation CD included with the ...