When a user is logged in as a VDOM administrator with restricted access and tries to upload a certificate (System > Certificates), the Create button on the Create Certificate pane is grayed out. 885057 Add 100G speed option on the FortiGate 1800F. 885823 Sensor showing temperature of 0.00 ...
But when i use FortiClient vpn client version 7.0.x.x.x to connect SSL VPN via Azure ID with SAML Authentication. its connect in 2nd attempt or 3rd attempt every time not in first attempt. In first attempt ask 2FA but not connected. when i try again in 2nd or 3rd attempt...
</TD></TR><TR><TD><INPUT CLASS=\" button\" TYPE=\" button\" VALUE=\" Yes, I agree\" ONCLICK=\" agree()\" ><INPUT CLASS=\" button\" TYPE=\" button\" VALUE=\" No, I decline\" ONCLICK=\" decline()\" ></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE...
When updating the Disclaimer Page replacement message, if the message is too long, the Save button is disabled and a red warning displays the current buffer size compared to the allowed size. 704503 Routing monitor is slow to load or does not load when the user has a full routing table....
635308 factoryreset2 does not preserve all interfaces. 636069 Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 000000000000008f. 637420 execute shutdown reboots instead of shutting down on SoC4 platforms. 638041 SFP28 port group (ha1, ha2, port1 and port2) missing 1000full speed option...
diagnose sys ha reset-uptime on the secondary devices triggers a failover on a cluster with more than two members. 725240 HA cluster goes out of sync due to mismatched vpn.certificate.crl checksum. 728670 In FGSP HA mode, the synchronizing mechanism of VWL daemon causes a synchronization ...