721789 Account profile settings changed after firmware upgrade. 722547 Fragmented SKB size occurs if the tail room is too small to carry the NTurbo vtag, which causes packets to be dropped. 722781 MAC address flapping on the switch is caused by a connected FortiGate where IPS is enabled in...
860052 The 40G/100G port goes down on FG-260xF when upgrading to 7.2. 862941 GUI displays a blank page if vdom-admin user has partial permissions. 867978 Subnet overlap error occurs when configuring the same IPv4 link-local addresses on two different interfaces. Upgrade Bug ID Description ...
In FGSP, IKE routes are not removed from the kernel when secondary-add-ipsec-routes is disabled. 923150 Some static tunnels in multiple VDOM HA setups do not come up after a firmware upgrade or restoring the configuration. 926048 Traffic through a shortcut got dropped after an HA failover...
UpgradeBug ID Description 635589 Upon upgrading to an affected 6.2 or 6.4 firmware, DoS policies configured on interfaces may drop traffic that is passing through the DoS policy configuration. Note that this can occur if the DoS policy is configured in drop or monitor mode. Workaround: ...
GUI incorrectly displays a warning saying there is not a valid upgrade path when upgrading firmware from 7.0.0 or 7.0.1 to 7.0.1 or 7.0.2. 734773 On the System > HA page, when vCluster is enabled and the management VDOM is not the root VDOM, the GUI incorrectly displays management ...
UpgradeBug ID Description 754180 MAC address group is missing in the configuration after upgrading if it has members with other address groups that come behind the current one. 766472 After upgrading, the diagnostic command for redundant PSU is missing on FG-100F. 774460 config-error-log ...
Upgrade Bug ID Description 656869 FG-100F/101F may continuously boot upon upgrading from FortiOS 6.4.0. 725369 After upgrading, VIP randomly stops working and a find DNAT: IP- message appears. User & Authentication Bug ID Description 580391 Unable to create MAC address-based polic...