升级OS 之前务必查看版本OS 升级途径,从旧OS 升级到新OS,不一定可以直 接升级,详细请参考Upgrade-Paths : /sysadmins-notebook/supported-upgrade-paths-fortios/ (release notes 中有说明Upgrade-Paths ) Supported Upgrade Path : 3.通过 /网站下载到合适的FortiGate 的固件,注意下 载版本之前请注意务必下载并...
http://cookbook.fortinet/sysadmins-notebook/supported-upgrade-paths-fortios/ (releasenotes中有说明Upgrade-Paths) Supported Upgrade Path: 3.通过 https://support.fortinet/网站下载到合适的 FortiGate 的固件,注意下 载版本之前请注意务必下载并详细阅读相应的版本发布说明文档(release notes) ...
This is a Powershell module for configure a FortiGate (Fortinet) Firewall. With this module (version 0.9.0) you can manage: Address(Add/Get/Copy/Set/Remove object type ipmask/subnet, FQDN, iprange, geo, mac and dynamic (SDN)) AddressGroup(Add/Get/Copy/Set/Remove and Add/Remove Member...
Note: If you are running or planning to upgrade to FortiOS v7.2.10 or v7.4.5, you will need to configure the Duo Authentication Proxy to send the `message-authenticator` attribute in RADIUS replies. Add this line to the [radius_server_challenge] configuration section of your authproxy.cf...
sudo pip3 install --upgrade git+https://github.com/marin-m/vmlinux-to-elf vmlinux-to-elf flatkc flatkc-efl busybox编译 如果编译过程出错了,可以换个更高的busybox版本去编译 curl http://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2 | tar xjf -mkdir-p obj/busyboxcdbusybox-1.23.2 ...
IPv6 addresses configured on EMAC VLAN interfaces showing FTP flag after upgrade. 900670 QSFP/QSFP+ port23/port24 are down after upgrading to 7.0.11 on FG-3401E. 903049 execute sensor list has blank lines in output. 903251 On FortiGate, kernel 4.19 does not adjust packets when it receive...
Upgrade Bug ID Description 803041 Link lights on the FG-1100E fail to come up and are inoperative after upgrading. 822844 Observed Node exiting due to unhandled rejection error messages in crash log after upgrading to 7.2.1. 832943 Upgrading from 7.0.5 (split-VDOM mode) to 7.2.0 conv...
GUI incorrectly displays a warning saying there is not a valid upgrade path when upgrading firmware from 7.0.0 or 7.0.1 to 7.0.1 or 7.0.2. 734773 On the System > HA page, when vCluster is enabled and the management VDOM is not the root VDOM, the GUI incorrectly displays management ...
Long delay and cmdbsvr at 100% CPU consumption when modifying address objects and address groups via GUI or REST API. 620479 FG-3600E interface speed setting is changed from 1000full to 10000full after upgrading from 6.2.3. Upgrade Bug ID Description 580450 Policies were removed after an...
Upgrade Bug ID Description 754180 MAC address group is missing in the configuration after upgrading if it has members with other address groups that come behind the current one. 765493 After upgrading to 6.4.7, a web filter profile within flow-based firewall policies appears with a proxy ...