FortiGate 100F Series Data Sheet Highlights Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ Leaders for both Network Firewalls and WAN Edge Infrastructure Secure Networking with FortiOS for converged networking and security State-of-the-art unparalleled performance with Fortinet's patented SPU and vSPU processors ...
WAN optimization and/or web caching to improve user productivity when securely accessing remote applications and documents.Highlights Firewall Performance IPS Performance Interfaces 2.5 Gbps 800 Mbps Multiple GE RJ45 DATA SHEET FortiGate/FortiWiFi ® 50E Series High Performance UTM for Small Networks ...
80E/81EPOE Information Supplement FortiGate 500D QSG Supplement FortiGate-6000 Hardware Guides FortiGate 100F Series QSG FortiGate 600F Quick Start Guide FortiController hardware guides FortiGate 4400F Series QSG Supplement FortiGate 4800F Quickstart Guide FortiGate Rugged 35D Information Supplement FortiGate...
Data Sheet FortiGate / FortiWiFi 40F シリーズ FortiGate 40F,40F-3G4G,FortiWiFi 40F,40F-3G4G ハイライト Gartner® Magic Quadrant: ネットワーク・ ファイアウォールと SD-WAN の両部 門で,リーダーの 1 社に位置 付け セキュリティ ドリブン ネット ワーキング:FortiOS による ネ...
blades,CPUsordatabasesarelicensedonapersingleblade,solelyforonebladeandnotformultiplebladesthatmaybeinstalledinachassis,persingleCPUorpersingledatabasebasis,as applicable.TheSoftwareis“inuse”onanyFortinetapplianceswhenitisloadedintotemporarymemory(i.e.RAM).Notethat,forevaluationorbetaProductsforwhichFortinetdoes...
FortiGate 90G シリーズ FortiGate 90G,FortiGate 91G Data Sheet ハイライト Gartner® Magic Quadrant ™: ネ ット ワーク・ ファイア ウォ ールと SD-WAN の両部 門で,リーダーの 1 社に位置 付け 比類ないパフォーマンス: フォーティネットの特許取得 済み ASIC と FortiOS オペレ...
Security with consolidated AI / ML-powered FortiGuard Services.Hyperscale Security to secure any edge at any scale.IPS NGFW Threat Protection Interfaces 44 Gbps 34 Gbps 25 Gbps Multiple GE RJ45, 25 GE SFP28 / 10 GE SFP+ / GE SFP and 100 GE QSFP28 / 40 GE QSFP+ slots Data Sheet ...
FortiGate 400E Series Data Sheet Highlights Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ Leaders for both Network Firewalls and WAN Edge Infrastructure Secure Networking with FortiOS for converged networking and security State-of-the-art unparalleled performance with Fortinet's patented SPU and vSPU processors ...
USBModemDatabaseUpdatess e c i v r e S g n Setuppoliciesandtrackactivitiesbasedongeography.YourIdentifydevicetypeandOSinformation.Greatfori s n e FortiGatewillintelligentlyidentifywhereanIPisoriginatedororganizationswhowanttoenforcedevice-basedpoliciesc ...