Fort Leonard Wood (1) Camp Leroy Johnson Fort Lesley J. McNair Fort Leslie Lethbridge Internment Camp Lethbridge NWMP Barracks Fort Levett Levis Fort No. 1 Levis Fort No. 2 Levis Fort No. 3 Lewes Battery Battery Lewis Fort Lewis (1) Camp Lewis (4) Fort Lewis (5) Lewistown Army Airfield...
Fort Leonard Wood, MO, USA - Forney Field Fort Lewis Fort Lewis College Fort Lewis Field Office Fort Lewis, Washington Fort Loramie Branch Library Fort Loudoun Bassmasters Fort Loudoun Regional Library Center Fort Loudoun State Historic Park Fort MacArthur Museum Association Fort Macon Fort Macon Sta...
The 20 or more bodies in the Fort Brooke Cemetery were moved to Barrancas National Cemetery at Pensacola. As a result of the disclosure of the closing of the cemetery, it is clear that in the 1850s Tampa had three or more cemeteries, one for the military, one for the older Tampa ...
(who is buried in the Apache cemetery there), was imprisoned at the fort. The reservation was almost abandoned in 1904; it was revitalized by the establishment (1911) of a school that was to become the U.S. army's main field artillery training base. There are 48 designated historic ...
(38,445-hectare)fieldartilleryandmissilebase,it isthehomeoftheU.S.ArmyArtilleryandMissileCenter.FortSillwasnamedinmemoryofJoshuaW.Sill,aCivilWargeneral.TheWichita,Kiowa,Comanche,andotherNativeAmericangroupsweregivenhomesonthereservationandtrainedinagriculture;Geronimo(whoisburiedintheApachecemeterythere),was...