Fort Carson pounds out $3.5 billion building boomTOM ROEDER
"Epic's frustration with Apple especially, and Google to some extent, had been building up for at least three years," said Sweeney. "Ever since Fortnite grew to have a large audience, we felt stifled by several things." Sweeney went on to claim that the effort was to encour...
Building on its statement, Epic has also released a video, above, as a parody of Apple’s famous 1984Super Bowl commercial. The original commercial comprised Apple’s takedown of tech companies like IBM, which were perceived to be monopolising the market. With its parody, Epic suggests that ...
(Parsons ES) at Building 8200 at Fort Carson, Colorado during the period from July 15 through August 7, 1996. The proposed scope of work for this site was performed for Fort Carson, the US Army Environmental Center (USAEC), and the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) ...
This remedial action plan (RAP) presents the scope for an expansion of the pilot-scale bioventing system in the vicinity of Building 8200 at Fort Carson, Colorado. The purpose of the expanded bioventing system will be to better achieve in situ treatment of fuel-contaminated vadose zone soils ...