The new boss of Fort Carson's 10th Combat Support Hospital willrely on old lessons to keep her...Roeder, Tom
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Army Community Hospital (EACH), Fort Carson, Colorado, was chosen as one of two Army hospitals for the Catchment Area Management Demonstration Project (CAM). CAM gives the Commander control of both the Operation and Maintenance, Army (OMA) and the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the ...
Soon after the surrender, civilians and relief agencies rushed to assist the Union army. The U.S. Sanitary Commission was one of the first to provide food, medical supplies, and hospital ships to transport the wounded. Many civilians came in search of loved ones or to offer support. Although...
Hospital Ruins (1873)The 12-bed facility had a dispensary, kitchen, dining room, isolation rooms, and surgeon's office. This was the first lime-concrete building at Fort Laramie. Fort Laramie Today Fort Laramie's riverside setting on the approaches to the Rocky Mountains looks much like it ...
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Fort Carson Hospital Reforms Enacted after Investigation into Care of Mental Health PatientA mental-health patient's audio-taped encounters with Fort Carsondoctors led to a sweeping...Roeder, Tom
Army Community Hospital, Fort Carson, Colorado. This study includes the following major tasks: Perform a complete energy audit of the hospital, Identify and evaluate all energy conservation opportunities (ECOs), Determine the feasibility of expanding the existing energy monitoring and control system (...
This manual was written to assist in the maintenance and management of the historic Old Hospital Complex (5EP1778) at Fort Carson, Colorado. The report outlines the character-defining features of the complex, defines management guidelines for the protection and maintenance, and general specifications...