"Everything was fine until the division commander saw the jeep on a newsreel about two years later. The problem was he liked the idea and wanted a similar jeep to help recruit soldiers into the 101st. The sergeant major told him the jeep was his, so he took it back. For the next th...
Associated Press
🇺🇸FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky — 101空降师200名伞兵Roughly 200 Airborne Infantry Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) are 测试下一代小队武器系统running the Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) system through its paces here from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30.#烽火问鼎计划# The new weap...
L. L. Brown, the commander at Fort Brooke in Tampa to Capt. John T. Lesley, commanding the small garrison at Shaw's Point on the Manatee River. He instructs Lesley to issue half rations of flour to his company and supply the deficiency with corn meal or potatoes purchased from the ...
Gordon, William.The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States including an account of the late war… in Three Volumes.1801: Printed for Samuel Campbell, New York, NY. Jones, Charles Henry.History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada.1881...
Stephens, Assistant Secretary of War John Campbell, and the presiding officer of the Confederate Senate, Robert M.T. Hunter. The so called "Hampton Roads Peace Conference" lasted only four hours with Lincoln stating terms that were unacceptable to the Confederate delegates who desired that the ...