Cumming, GA Compare company ratings Compare management, culture and compensation ratings for Fulton County Schools and Forsyth County Schools. Fulton County Schools Forsyth County Schools 3.6Overall Rating 4.0Overall Rating 3.6Work/life balance 4.1Work/life balance 3.5Compensation and benefits...
#8 in Georgia High Schools #6 in Atlanta, GA Metro Area High Schools #2 in Forsyth County Public Schools High Schools #295 in STEM High Schools 98.22 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam75% Passed at Least One AP® Exam66% Mathematics Proficiency59% Re...
of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 79% scored at or above that level for reading. compared with the district, the school did better in math and better in reading, according to this metric. in forsyth county public schools , 61% of students tested at or ...
georgia high schools # 36 in atlanta, ga metro area high schools # 5 in forsyth county public schools high schools 90.29 scorecard took at least one ap® exam 59% passed at least one ap® exam 48% mathematics proficiency 42% reading proficiency 63% science...