Open Search Forsyth County Facilitymeansthe feeowned facilitylocated on Big Oaks Drive, in King, Forsyth County,North Carolina. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Related toForsyth County Facility City Facilitymeans any building, structure, property, park, open space, or vehicle, owned or leased by the Ci...
An English man proves the benefits of ebikes, as an88-year old stroke survivor stuns his doctors with his recoveryafter borrowing his neighbor’s ped-assist bike. Tragic case from the UK, where a27-year old man died after a slow-speed collision with a bike rider; for once, no one appe...
HIV Vaccine Acceptability among African American Women: The Case of Forsyth County, North CarolinaOpoku-Dapaah, EdwardJournal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Education, Research & Policy
(H1N1)pdm09 virus during the second wave of 2009-2010 is important for future pandemic planning.Persons who presented to the emergency department (ED) or were hospitalized with fever and/or acute respiratory symptoms at the academic medical center in Forsyth County, North Carolina were ...
The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in the Good Society: The Case of Forsyth Futures, Forsyth County, North Carolina, USAMany sociologists have opined about the composition of good societies. Opinions tend either to be philosophical, abstract, and longterm or address specific, short-term social-...
Accessible Rations: Food Environment and Race -- The Case of Forsyth County, North CarolinaTowns, TangelaMoye, Richard G.Sociation
Estimating the Burden of Pandemic Infectious Disease: The Case of the Second Wave of Pandemic Influenza H1N1 in Forsyth County, North Carolina.Understanding the burden of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus during the second wave of 2009-2010 is important for future pandemic ...
Teacher Turnover, Student Proficiency, and Economic Mobility: The Case of Forsyth County, NC Elementary SchoolsBlizard, Zachary D.Educational Research Quarterly