Submissions close on August 11, 2023. We’ll notify finalists by the end of August. We’ll then announce finalists and award recipients ahead ofForrester’s Security & Risk Forumin North America. The award recipients will join us at our Forum and on stage to receive and celebrate their awar...
November 8, 2023 Barclays is transforming its security, privacy, and risk strategy to strengthen stakeholder trust and achieve business growth CAMBRIDGE, Mass., November 8, 2023 — Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) today announced that Barclays has been named the recipient of its Security & Risk Enterprise...
Security & Risk Technology Architecture & Delivery Technology Executives Forrester Market Insights Blank Consulting Demand Generation Events B2B Summits CX Summits Technology Summits ADDITIONAL OFFERINGS Analyst Relations Council Certification Reprints Who We Are About Us Our Objectivity Diversity And Incl...
7. AI信任、风险和安全管理(Trust, Risk and Security Management) 许多企业机构未做好管理AI风险的充分准备。Gartner在美国、英国和德国开展的一项调查显示,41%的企业机构曾经历过AI隐私泄露或安全事件。但该调查也发现积极管理AI风险、隐私和安全的企业机构在AI项目中取得了更好的成果。 与未积极管理这些功能的企业...
一、 IDC FutureScape :2023年中国数字化业务十大预测 ——极不平凡的2022年即将过去,顺风、逆风、侧风的各类风浪演变成了颠覆风暴:疫情仍没有完全过去、俄乌冲突仍在继续、地缘政治风险有增无减、供应链约束仍然存在、人才鸿沟依然严峻、全球经济增长放缓甚至进入衰退。
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Coverity offers native, high-confidence, high-impact scan analysis to deliver only the most actionable results to developers. Security pros who want complete coverage and have a higher tolerance for false positives can dial up analysis through a scan configuration setting. Software Risk Manager central...
and digital professionals about their biggest challenges when moving to just such a model in 2023, 26% said security, risk and governance. Unfortunately, an iterative and incremental approach like agile/DevOps leaves limited time for lengthy software validation.” Five insights from Forrester’s ...
“Microsoft Purview brings together capabilities to 1. understand and govern data; 2. safeguard data; and 3. improve risk and compliance posture. But Microsoft’s security capabilities go beyond Microsoft Purview. By design, the entire Microsoft ecosystem working together multiplies its value via ...
Forcepoint Email Security DSPM (Data Security Posture Management) Data Classification Risk-Adaptive Protection DLP for Email 顶级解决方案 统一云端、端点和自带设备的数据防护 根据风险行为自动实现数据安全 借助AI 发现并保护非结构化数据 借助AI 分类及防护敏感数据 ...