“I remember early on in the rehearsals, the two of us having this conversation about what just exactly this movie was going to be,” said Gary Sinise ofworkingwith Tom Hanks onForrest Gump. “There’s this feather, there’s some chocolates, there’s Vietnam, Tom moons President Johnson,...
Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement Weapons of World War I Why Do We Give Valentine Cards? Forrest GumpSilhouette of Tom Hanks inForrest Gump(1994), directed by Robert Zemeckis. film by Zemeckis [1994] Written by Pat Bauer
Various Artists专辑《Forrest Gump (The Soundtrack)》。简介:“《阿甘正传》,是一部关于时光的电影——一个普普通通的美国人含辛茹苦历经一个个复杂的年代,最终生存下来。这是一个关于这个国家和整整一代人的故事。故事的核心部分,是音乐,伴随我们成长的是音乐,使我
Jenny's Forrest Gump Timeline Explained: How Old She Is When She Dies Jenny Was 36 At The Time Of Her Death The beginning of the 1994 film never explicitly states Jenny's age. One might be able to deduce it based on real-world events happening around her, but the audience doesn't lea...