The film follows the life journey of a kind-hearted Alabama man named Forrest Gump, who has an IQ of 75. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive review of the movie, discussing its remarkable storytelling, captivating performances, and profound themes. From the very beginning, "Forrest Gump...
the movie:FORRESTGUMPDirector: Robert Zemeckis Principal/Major Actor/Actresses: Tom Hanks asForrestGump: though at an early age he is deemed to have a below average IQ of 75‚ he has endearing character and devotion to his loved ones and duties‚ which brings him into many life-changing ...
Forrest Gump Essay View Writing Issues 335 Words Grammar Plagiarism Writing Score Name: Allison Lipson Teacher: Lindsay Lezama Altitude Sickness And Dehydration What is Dehydration? Well, many people confuse the symptoms of dehydration with altitude sickness, but at minimally to moderately ...
(Read Martin Scorsese’s Britannica essay on film preservation.) The film opens with Forrest Gump (Hanks) sitting on a bench inSavannah,Georgia, and narrating his life story to various strangers who sit next to him. The plot unfolds in a series offlashbacks. As a child, Forrest (played by...