The film begins with a feather falling to the feet of Forrest Gump who is sitting at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia. Forrest picks up the feather and puts it in the book Curious George, then tells the story of his life to a woman seated next to him. The listeners at the bus stop...
Review “Forrest Gump” is a 1994 American comedy-drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Gary Sinise. The movie follows the life of Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), a simple man with a low IQ who unwittingly becomes involved in some of the significant ev...
The answer, I believe, lies in the film’s tagline: “You’ll never look at the world the same after you’ve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.” I think we will never look at “film greatness” the same after seeing it through the eyes ofForrest Gump. There are certainly f...
商务合作联系微信 colinliao2010 《Forrest Gump》是一部由美国作家温斯顿·格鲁姆(Winston Groom)创作的经典小说,讲述了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。小说通过阿甘的视角,展现了20世...
The plotTom Hanks plays the title character, Forrest Gump, a simpleton who leads a charmed existence over four turbulent decades in US history. He becomes a college football star, a decorated soldier in the Vietnam War, a champion ping pong player, a millionaire shrimp boat captain and a ...
Forrest Gump(1994) Ending / spoiler ★★★☆ (31 votes) Add something Mistakes Quotes Pictures Questions Trivia Corrections Videos Plot More Forrest's mom, Bubba, and Jenny die. Before Jenny dies, Forrest finds out she had a son by him. Little Forrest and Forrest live happily ever after...
Forrest Gump is a 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, an Alabama simpleton who travels across the world, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing...
Mistakes Quotes Pictures Questions Trivia Corrections Videos Plot More Movie Quote Quiz Forrest Gump: I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is. 13 Share Drill Sergeant: Why did you put that gun together so fast, Private? Forrest Gump: Because you told me to, Drill Sergeant!
《阿甘正传》是1994年美国喜剧剧情片,改编自Winston Groom1986年的同名小说。本片由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导,汤姆·汉克斯主演。 Plot 剧情 The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a slow-witted but kind-hearted, good-natured and athletically prodigious man from Alabama who witnesses, ...
Factual error: In the scene where Forrest Gump is wheeling Lt. Dan across a street between a bunch of taxis, the car they go behind is a 1973 Chevrolet Caprice (see the tail lights). However, several scenes later we know the year is 1971 because it is New Year's Eve 1971 because we...