However, there has been a limitation in recovering the original signal from reacted MoS2 after exposure to the target gas. This work demonstrates the recovery of the initial resistance of reacted chemical vapor deposition-grown MoS2 by illuminating it with a UV light-emitting diode (LED). A ...
tion was increased, the activity of the spent catalyst (after the cut-off of vapor) was a little bit lower than that of the original catalyst. It is 2d.e2m. EofnfescttraofteHd2Othaotn tthhee dheyNdOroxxAycltmiviatyy obfethcereCaatteadlydstue to the adsorption and decomposition of H2O ...
chemosensors Article Highly Sensitive ZnO(Ga, In) for Sub-ppm Level NO2 Detection: Effect of Indium Content Natalia Vorobyeva 1, Marina Rumyantseva 1,*, Darya Filatova 1, Felix Spiridonov 1, Vladimir Zaytsev 2, Anna Zaytseva 3 and Alexander Gaskov 1 1 Chemistry Department, Moscow State ...
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