Integral Representation Formulas for Dirac and Semi-Dirac Pairs of Differential OperatorsMircea Martin
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© 2018 He and Yang, published by De Gruyter This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Cite this article MLA APA Harvard Chicago Vancouver He, Yuan and Yang, Fengzao. "Some recurrence formulas for the Hermite polynomials and th...
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Stout, E.L.: An integral formula for holomorphic functions on strictly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces. Duke Math. J. 42, 347–356 (1975) CrossRef About this Article Title A Dolbeault-Grothendieck lemma on complex spaces via Koppelman formulas Journal Inventiones mathematicae Volume 190, Issue 2 ...
expansion of the corresponding two-point correlation satisfies a formula analogous to (1.3): ρ T (x, x ′ ) ∼ − 1 2π 2 β √ xx ′ x +x ′ (x −x ′ ) 2 (1.6) 2 for the leading non-oscillatory behaviour. Beenakker [9] (see also [10]) has used (1.5) to de...
of which satisfies condition (A): A F ⊇ A G ∩ {x: x min x x max }, where x min is the largest of the numbers x for which F(x) = 0 and x max is the smallest x, for which F(x + 0) = 1. Assume that both functions F and G are simultaneously either left-continuo...
Sébastien Darses 0001 2259 7504IRL CRM–CNRS, Université de Montréal, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, I2M Marseille FranceJoseph Najnudel 0004 1936 7603School of ...
Systems of Fredholm integral equationsBarycentric Lagrange interpolationComputational methodsIn this study, we provided a new approach to solve systems of second-kind linear Fredholm equations. The presented method is based on the application of some new formulas of the barycentric Lagrange interpolation ...
(1.2)insteadofthede,nitiongivenintermsoftheintegralformulaofthebienergy. Sinceanyharmonicmapisevidentlybiharmonic,weareinterestedinnon-harmonicbiharmonicmaps. Ingeneral,thebiharmonicequationisverycomplicated,andthereforetheprob-lemof,ndingexamplesofnon-harmonicbiharmonicmapsbetweentwoRiemannianmanifolds,orexamplesofnon...