Burdensome paperwork for nonformulary preauthorisations and pressure to limit the number and duration of visits to psychiatrists and other spe- cialists further limit access to medications and treatment.[3] This article focuses on the advisability of having a single or exclusive SSRI on formulary....
The prescriptions are numbered consecutively throughout the book; this leads readily to prescribing by number, a hazardous practice which has caused many accidents. It is hoped that in future revisions of this volume the objectionable features will be eliminated (the author might with benefit...
(1902), The medical news pocket formulary, new(fourth) edition, containing 1,700 prescriptions representing the latest and most approved methods of administering remedial agents. By E. Quin thornton, M.D., Demonstrator of Therapeutics, Pharmacy and Materia in the jefferson Medical colege, Philadelp...
图书A Practical Formulary of the Parisian Hospitals; Exhibiting the Prescriptions Employed by the Physicians and Surgeons of Those Establishments, with 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The analysis of the non-replaced NIDHF drugs was: Clinical services with more NIDHF prescriptions were: Internal Medicine (40%) and Traumatology (10%). The lowest acceptance of recommendations was in Home Hospitalisation (45%) and Surgery (33%). The greatest number of prescriptions for drugs ...
This descriptive study used a non-controlled observational approach. Following formulary change, 1/3 of patients discontinued SITA and 30% of discontinuers received less intensive anti-hyperglycemic treatment in the post-restriction period. Meanwhile, 44% of discontinuers switched to a new preferred ...
We examined whether giving providers formulary and drug cost information was associated with changes in their diabetes patients' drug costs and use. We conducted a longitudinal non-randomized evaluation of the web-based Prescribing Guide (www.PrescribingGuide.com), a free resource available to Hawaii...
The effect on outpatient prescriptions of rivaroxaban after its inclusion in our hospital formularyAdding new drugs to the hospital formulary affects outpatient prescribing greatly in secondary care. Ambulatory rivaroxaban was included in the hospital formulary in November 2010 for approved indications only....
It appears that the impact induced by a change in hospital pharmacotherapy guidelines on intra- and out-of-hospital drug prescriptions cannot be generalised to all compounds and circumstances.Raquel Vázquez-MourelleEduardo Carracedo-MartínezAdolfo Figueiras...
图书A Practical Formulary of the Parisian Hospitals; Exhibiting the Prescriptions Employed by the Physicians and Surgeons of Those Establishments, 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐