Completing the square formula is a technique or method to convert a quadraticpolynomialor equation into aperfect squarewith some additional constant. A quadratic expression in variable x: ax2+ bx + c, where a, b and c are any real numbers but a ≠ 0, can be converted into a perfect squ...
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The Euler-Jacobi formula provides an algebraic relation between the singular points of a polynomial vector field and their topological indices. Using this formula we obtain the configuration of the singular points together with their topological indices for the planar quadratic-quartic polynomial ...
Quadratic formula is one of the easiest methods of solving quadratic equations. To learn how to solve the quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, along with detailed derivation, steps and solved examples, visit BYJU'S today!
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unit used to measure the amount of substance. this quantity is sometimes referred to as the chemical amount. a substance is something that has mass and occupies space. the molar mass/molecular weight is actually the sum of the total mass in grams of the atoms present to make up a molecule...
We establish the first polynomial-strength time-space lower bounds for problems in the linear-time hierarchy on randomized machines with bounded two-sided error. We show that for any integer l > 1 and constant c < l, there exists a posit... S Diehl,D Melkebeek - Springer, Berlin, Heidel...
We remark that extensions by Gm and Ga have been used by Deligne [9, Section 10] to define Cartier duality and the de Rham theory for 1-motives. Notation: Let K be a perfect field of characteristic p>0, and let Fq[t] be the polynomial ring in one variable over the finite field Fq...
In today’s modern days, the Internet has an ocean of platforms for education and learning. To streamline and organize your learning, you need to focus on the right one which, in turn, should provide you with enough support. When it comes to student support and quality of study material,...
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