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Here, C5 is the Marks of Maths. This formula checks if Marks is less than 70, resulting in Fail if true, or Pass otherwise. Hit the Enter key to see the result. Drag the Fill Handle to get the result of all the Subjects. Read More: How to Make Automatic Marksheet in Excel (with...
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Radians: Radians are a mathematical unit of angle measurement commonly used in calculus and trigonometry. Radians are based on the concept of using the radius of a circle to measure angles. In a complete circle, there are 2π radians, where π (pi) is a mathematical constant representing the...
Logarithmic Function Definition In mathematics, the logarithmic function is an inverse function to exponentiation. The logarithmic function is defined as For x > 0 , a > 0, and a ≠1, y= logax if and only if x = ay Then the function is given by ...
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