Lev_Kr my network operations team was able to fix the same problem using this code. We are in SP2016, with on prem servers. =CONCATENATE(TEXT(IF(INT(([Work date]-DATE(YEAR([Work date]),1,1)+(TEXT(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR([Work date]),1,1)-1),"d")))/7)=0,52,INT(([Work ...
Here is the translated formula (just replace TESTDATE with your date): =TEXT(ROUNDDOWN((DATEDIF(DATE(YEAR(TESTDATE - IF(WEEKDAY(TESTDATE)=0,6,WEEKDAY(TESTDATE)-1)+3),1,1),TESTDATE - IF(WEEKDAY(TESTDATE)=0,6,WEEKDAY(TESTDATE)-1)+3,"D")+7)/7,0),"0") Link to the ...
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Sat=7. IF((TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d"))="31",1,TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d")+1) 3. Add the two values above to give you an adjusted value to calculate the week. So if for that year, the 1/1 was a Saturday. That m...
Sat=7. IF((TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d"))="31",1,TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d")+1) 3. Add the two values above to give you an adjusted value to calculate the week. So if for that year, the 1/1 was a Saturday. That me...
Sat=7. IF((TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d"))="31",1,TEXT(WEEKDAY("1/1/"&TEXT(TESTDATE,"yyyy")),"d")+1) 3. Add the two values above to give you an adjusted value to calculate the week. So if for that year, the 1/1 was a Saturday. That m...