Formula One, commonly known as F1, is the pinnacle of open-wheeled auto racing, established in1950. The competition unfolds globally, featuring races known as Grands Prix, held on both specialized circuits and temporary urban tracks. F1 showcases a fierce rivalry among the world’s premier autom...
In 1947, Ferrari produced the Tipo 125 with a 1.5 Litre engine, this was the first racing car to bare the Ferrari name and was ran under the Scuderia Ferrari banner, as well as being sold to privateers like Peter Whitehead. Ferrari recruited Luigi Villoresi as a driver and mentor to par...
Formula One Racing is a game that appears in Diary of a Wimpy Kid. According to Greg, it is the only game Rowley's father lets him play, as it has no violence and he disapproves of Greg's games. Greg says that he always wins at Formula One Racing because he names his car somethin...
This was a side championship alongside FIA Grand Prix Racing (S2) and is now non canon to the "FIA World Championship" section above. ABB Formula E World Championship Also throughout Season 2, records were kept: FIA Records Retrieved from "
George William Russell (born 15 February 1998) is a British racing driver, who made his debut for Williams at the start of the 2019 FIA Formula One World Championship.[1] An accomplished driver in junior formulae and a member of the Mercedes-Benz Junior
In 2012 the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile, the biggest organisation involved in motorsport, announced a championship dedicated to electrically powered cars, with the 2014/15 season opening round in Beijing heralding a new era of motor racing. With Formula One and the World Endurance Ch...
In 2012 theFédération Internationale de l'Automobile, the biggest organisation involved in motorsport, announced a championship dedicated to electrically powered cars, with the2014/15season opening round inBeijingheralding a new era of motor racing. WithFormula Oneand theWorld Endurance Championshipincrea...
WikiMatrix Bahrain Formula One Racing : Play and enjoy the best races of the Formula One cars in Bahrain and the Gulf States 巴林一级方程式赛车 : 发挥和享受在巴林一级方程式最好的赛事之一的汽车和海湾国家 ParaCrawl Corpus Standing starts are common in many motorsports, including most single...
The 1994 Formula One season was the 45th season of FIA Formula One motor racing. It featured the 1994 FIA Formula One World Championship which commenced on March 27, 1994 and ended on November 13 after sixteen races. The season is remembered as one of the most tragic and controversial ...
一級方程式賽車 Formula One + 添加翻译 中文-英文字典 Formula One proper Rene Sini Formula One 一級方程式賽車 Rene Sini 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ 一級方程式賽車 Formula One "自动翻译成 英文 Formula One racing Glosbe Translate Formula One Formula One Google Translate ...