Answer to: Write the formula for, (a) Photosynthesis, and (b) Cellular respiration. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions...
Learn about how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are related, the differences between the two, and the corresponding equations and cycles of...
Carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of respiration in humans, therefore the body is fairly accustomed to managing carbon dioxide at low concentrations. High concentrations can have toxic effect on the human body, with symptoms ranging from increased breath rate, loss of consciousness, and even de...
The hydrogen and -OH groups are able to rotate around the carbon atoms in glucose, leading to isomerization. The D-isomer, D-glucose, is found in nature and is used for cellular respiration in plants and animals. The L-isomer, L-glucose, is not common in nature, although it may be pr...
. These molecules, in turn, may have evolved further into colored molecules calledpigments—e.g.,chlorophyllsof green plants,bacteriochlorophyllof photosynthetic bacteria, hemin (the redpigmentof blood), andcytochromes, a group of pigment molecules essential in both photosynthesis andcellular respiration...