We have a list ofemail IDsand want to findGmailamong those email IDs. You can use theSEARCHfunction to find the starting position of Gmail from the left side of an email ID.TheISNUMBERfunctionwill check whether the position is a number or not. The formula is: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($C$5...
Excel has a ton of basic and advanced functions to perform mathematical operations, calculate exponentials, logarithms, factorials and the like. It would take several pages just to publish the functions list. So, let us discuss only a few basic math functions that may prove useful for solving ...
Search our list our growing list of hundreds of Excel formula examples. Download example spreadsheets.
Basically by IF/AND formula answers the value of "Not applicable" if the two preceding columns are both answered as "No", but if either of the two preceding columns have a "Yes", then I need people to be able to pick an option from the drop-down list, whichever is appropriate, but...
While working with INDIRECT Formulas, you may want to use the ROW Function to get the row number of a reference or the COLUMN Function to get the column number (not letter) of a reference. Return to the List of all Functions in Excel INDIRECT in Google Sheets The INDIRECT Function works...
Related Formulas In Excel, you can use a simple formula if you have a list of dates and want to get the date that is the max out of all those. For this, all you need to do is to use the MAX function, and if you want to get the max date using a condition then you need to ...
Check if cell contains one of thingsSupposing in Excel, there is a list of values in column E, you want to check if the cells in column B contain all of the values in column E, and return TRUE or FALSE. Check if cell contains numberSometimes, you may want to check if a cell conta...
Jamesb1982 For example =ColumnA+IF((ColumnB="Yes")+(ColumnC="Yes")+(ColumnD="Yes"),14,7) or =A2+IF(OR(B2:D2="Yes"),14,7)
In order to expand the formula you can copy the highlighted part of the formula: =IF(RIGHT(C2,LEN(C2)-FIND("@",C2))=$G$2,IF(MOD(SUMPRODUCT(N(RIGHT($C$2:C2,$H$2)=$G$2)),5)=0,"Agent ""IENT(SUMPRODUCT(N(RIGHT($C$2:C2,$H$2)=$G$2)),5),"Agent ""IENT(SUMPROD...
Note:This topic contains techniques that can help you correct formula errors. It's not an exhaustive list of methods for correcting every possible formula error. For help on specific errors, you can search for questions like yours in the Excel Community Forum, or post one of your own. ...