内容提示: 电力公式(Power formula) Known Pe=148KW, Kx=0.8, Cos, phi, =0.8, the current I I=148000/0.64/380/1.732=350A (set operating voltage 380V) Optional 3 * * 95 1851 cable, if the long distance condition of optional cable * 120 * 3 2401 insurance 1 and Pe=276Kw, rated ...
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Using a new identity for Bernoulli numbers,the paper deduced the new formula of the power sum of natural numbers,and proved the symmetric property of its coefficient.It is also proved that it is easy to obtain a new method representing the formula of the power sum of natural numbers by usin...
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Xiaohui GuoInstitute of Fluid MechanicsJianzhong LinState Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and ControlDeming Nie颗粒学报(英文版)Xiaohui Guo;Jianzhong Lin;Deming Nie.New formula for drag coefficient of cylindrical particles.中国颗粒学报:英文版.2011.114-120...
摘要: The first power mean of a_2(n) and its generation are discussed,a series of regular results are obtained,inchere σ_α(n) is divisor function(α1) and a_2(n) is the sequence in the problem of "only problem not solutions" which was presented by professor F.Smarandache....
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A linear equation looks like an equation (so, there must be an equals sign) whose variables all have an exponent of 1 (in other words, no variable is raised to a higher power, and no variable is under a square root sign). Here are some examples of things to look for: These equation...