The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter...
Therefore, although often added for its whey protein contribution, it also contributes MFGM material. Figure 2. Processes for obtaining common milk fat globule membrane material containing ingredients currently used or with potential use in infant milk formula. Milk fat globule membrane material ...
An efficient procedure is presented for obtaining a rational function having separable denominator from a given twodimensional (2-D) impulse response over ... Takao,Hinamoto,Hiroshi,... - 《Electronics & Communications in Japan》 被引量: 3发表: 1984年 Application of quasi-f-power increasing seq...
We also give a method for obtaining the nodes and the quadrature coefficients in all the cases and, as a consequence, we solve the same problem in the space of trigonometric polynomials. Key words and phrases Gaussian quadrature formula - Szeg quadrature formula - m-point quadrature formula - ...
An established formula for capacitance C of a thin metal disc printed on a dielectric substrate with height h and relative permittivity er >= 2.2, backed by a conducting ground plane, is inverted into a closed formula. The latter yields disc's radius r for a given C and a given substrate...
the way there orbackbyapolice officerforthepurpose of obtaining evidence relating to an offence shall be included in any period which fails tobecalculatedforthepurposes of this Part of this Act, but any [...] ...
for the energy spectrum and the wave function in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions2F1(α,β;γ;k3s). In order to show the accuracy of this proposed formula, we resort to obtaining bound state solutions for some existing eigenvalue problems in a rather more simplified way. This ...
backward differentiation formulaeThis paper focuses on obtaining stability regions of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In particular, the aim of this paper is to construct a stability region for method of Two Point Block Backward Differentiation Formulae (BDF). For the ...
rithmforthismethodisproposed.TheprocedureofthedegreereductionforB-splinecurvesis simplifiedwiththismethod.Wecangetthedegreereductioncurvesbyusingthedegreereduction formulaafterobtainingthereducibleapproximatecurvesbytheconstrainedoptimizationmethod. Inaddition thismethodcanbeappliedtoallkindsofB-splinecurvesandthealgorithm...
The suppression of any secondary phase precipitation is the key to obtaining corrosion-resistant Cu alloys. In the present Cu-Ni-Si case, on the contrary, the precipitation of a compound is necessary to strengthen the matrix. However, Cu-Ni-Si alloys always exhibit a single FCC solid-solution...