虽然这台车是125级别,但是整车的设计都是按照越级的大踏板车型标准,虽然长着相同的样子,不过性能上还是无法和龙嘉VMAX300相提并论,这台FORMULA 125 也没有进入国内销售,国外售价将近3万元人民币。
怎么看都是龙嘉VMAXIE 300啊。据说龙嘉本来就是意大利设计的,不知道他们的关系如何。但是单独看车的话,一模一样。配置也是。水冷单缸四冲程排量278.2cc 最大马力16kw(21.8ps)/7,500rpm 最大扭力23.5Nm@5,750rpm 配置ABS FORMULA 300尺寸 长1,930mm、宽755mm、高1,130mm,整备质量147kg (其他可以直接...
Double-reciprocal plot analysis of the increased activity of CAT and AChE, induced by 2-DG, showed that the changes were due to the increase of Vmax, with no change in the Km-value for the substrates. The uptake of [(3)H]choline and subsequent synthesis of [(3)H]ACh was observed in...
Reaction velocity versus substrate concn was consistent with a sigmoid Vmax model. Vmax varied from 0.42 to 3.42 nmol/mg/min, Km from 33 to 89 uM amitriptyline. Ketoconazole was a highly potent inhibitor of N-demethylation, with a mean Ki value of 0.11 + or - 0.013 uM ... whereas ...
)-induced systemic oxidative stress. Liquid formula-fed piglets at the age of d 5 were fitted with an intraperitoneal catheter and infused with either 5 mmol H2O2/kg BW (PER, n=8) or physiologic saline (CON, n=8) in six injections daily for a period of 10 d. Jejunal enzyme ...
Valkyrie Spider remains a quintessential package of efficient and lightweight solutions. Capable of achieving a vMAX of 330km/h+ with the roof removed (350km/h+ with roof on), its the fastest and most extreme open-top, road-legal Aston Martin ever built. Deliveri...
geostationary satellite GMm/ (R +h) M4 2 (r = 2 pi +h) {h /T2 = 36000km, h: from the earths surface height, radius of the earth: R} Note: (1) the centripetal force required for celestial motion is provided by gravity, and F = F million; (2) using the law of universal ...
Valkyrie Spider remains a quintessential package of efficient and lightweight solutions. Capable of achieving a vMAX of 330km/h+ with the roof removed (350km/h+ with roof on), its the fastest and most extreme open-top, road-legal Aston Martin ever built. Delivering...
traction power of car: P = Fv; P flat = Fv flat {P: instantaneous power; P level: average power} 7., the car starts at constant power, starts at constant acceleration, and the maximum speed of the car (Vmax = P, /f) 8. power: P = UI (universal type): {U (V, I) circuit...