How to use conditional formatting to color the row in red based on cell value in other sheet I have two worksheets, sheet1 is a table to list tasks with the unit number named "task" and sheet2 is a table to list the task handling progress named "progress" . and i need to color ...
Returns or sets the formula for the object, using R1C1-style notation in the language of the macro.
For example in the selected cell, I use average formula, answer turns out to be 0, but actually answer for first line should...
Heikin-Ashi charts are constructed based on averages over two periods.Renko charts, on the other hand, are created by only showing movements of a certain size. While a Renko chart has a time axis, the boxes or bricks are not governed by time, only by movement. While a new HA candle w...
Hi! Excel Community!, Looking for your assistance in how to create a formula that does the following: IF cell = 2023 or 2024, then Sumifs (based on the criteria i selected), otherwise, Sumifs (b... Biggy_E Another approach would be to select data for the relevant year before starting...
For example, to count every other cell in range B2:B10, you use one of the following formulas: Count even rows (2nd, 4th, etc.): =SUM((--(MOD(ROW($B2:B10), 2)=0))*(B2:B10)) Count odd rows (1st, 3rd, etc.): =SUM((--(MOD(ROW($B2:B10), 2)=1))*(B2:B10)) ...
macrotabletabledata entrytableformulatablerow Replies: 8 Forum:Excel Questions R Copying formulae within a table Afternoon everyone I am fluent in Excel 'traditional' formulae but I find myself having to interface with tables from other sources frequently so trying to get up to speed with the ...
Try this formula for Monday: =IFERROR(INDEX(A1:A13, MATCH("Tuesday", A1:A13, 0) - 1), "N/A") It returns the last cell belonging to Monday – the one before Tuesday. To find values for other days of the week, change Tuesday respectively. You will learn more about INDEX MATCH in...
C# - change windows color scheme C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'SQLConn', Does the connection close itself when falling out of scope? C# - Access to private method from other class C# - Accessing Embedded Resources C# - Array of structs - Letting...
118, volume is more than 3.5 times times the 10-day line of any other day in the first 5 days W1:=LLV (MA (v,10), 5); xg:v>w1*3.5; 119, the stock price in n days continuous along the 5-day line, and the daily closing price and 5 day line distance of not more than 2%...