The congruent equilibrium constant Kp(h1l1g) is 102.3 MPa with SE 0.2 MPa. ΔH°t(h1l1g) is 62 281 J mol1 with SE 184 J mol1, and the congruent formula is CH4·5.750H2O with SE 0.059H2O. At the congruent point, ΔV(h1l1g) is zero within experimental precision, and its ...
Conversion of PE to PAA was extensive, with the average AUCPAA-to-AUCPE ratio being 4.4 and 5.3 for emulsion and lotion, respectively. The steady-state tissue-to-plasma PE concentration ratio (Kp) was higher than unity for kidney, spleen, heart, brain, and testis and was lower (0.6) ...
This paper develops a formula for setting interest rates that are related to, or even reflect or indicate, real economic growth rates, as opposed to growth rates assumed by policy makers. The rates adjust for deviations of the projected GDP growth rate and inflation from the potential GDP growt...
Dissociation equilibrium constants Kp(h—> 1_1g) have been represented as a function of temperature by a four-parameter equation which yields both values and standard errors (i) for #DELTA#H~(0t)(h—>1_1g) and ACp~(0t)(h—>1_1g) the standard enthalpy and heat capacity changes for ...
equilibrium distributionsWe obtain a strong asymptotic formula for the leading coefficient α_n(n) of a degree n polynomial q_n(z; n) orthonormal on a system of intervals on the real line with respect to a varying weight. The weight depends on n as e~(?2nQ(x)), where Q(x) is a...
The extremal measure λ is the unique equilibrium measure (in the class M_1(E)) in the external field Q: V~λ(x) + Q(x) ≡ w_Q, x ∈ E, where w_Q is the equilibrium constant.A. V. KomlovS.P. SuetinRussian mathematical surveys...
Using the thermodynamic method, described for deuterium sulfide D-hydrate, the equilibrium fugacities of hydrogen sulfide are used to define 43 equilibrium constants Kp(h→l 1g) for hydrate dissociation into water and hydrogen sulfide gas. The temperature dependence of 1n Kp(h→l 1g) is ...